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按分类查找All 多国语言处理(2) 
按平台查找All Delphi(2) 

[多国语言处理] CARAVAN

解码器是基于短语的统计机器翻译系统的核心模块,本解码器是“丝路”1.0 版(SilkRoad V1.0)中由厦门大学开发的“商队Caravan”解码器。研究统计机器翻译的研究者必备。
decoder is based on the weight of statistical machine translation system's core module, The decoder is the "Silk Road", Version 1.0 (V1.0 SilkRoad), from Xiamen University, the development of the "caravan C aravan "decoder. Study of statistical machine translation researchers required. (2007-04-07, Delphi, 337KB, 下载43次)


[多国语言处理] Country_Translation

before writing a saucepan, use idhttp submitted to the translation of the top foreign websites to carry out the translation function, accurate translation Jinshan faster rate than 2,005 translated to the translation accurate, at least I think so. Korean translation of a coding problem, and also 19:56 change it, it is better to remember to give it to me- in. Babel Translation problems sorted out today when problems are detected, the server is not an accurate translation for Babel, other languages are not traditional for the problem, not the problem itself (2005-03-25, Delphi, 259KB, 下载51次)
