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按分类查找All 汇编语言(3) 
按平台查找All Delphi(3) 

[汇编语言] A

Compiled a small program (2010-01-07, Delphi, 2KB, 下载4次)


[汇编语言] P2Pwenjianchuanshu

Using TCP protocol to connect the two sides, the establishment of server-side file stream to send the file to be read into the listening state, the client send the signal to start transmission, the server in accordance with the client to send the current file position by receiving streaming buffer size of a piece sent to the client client to accept a document and then save it to the receiving stream, until the end to send the entire document flow, where the use of server-side TIdTCPServer components, corresponding to the use of client-side components TIdTCPClient. (2009-05-06, Delphi, 474KB, 下载8次)


[汇编语言] q

Used in the compilation of a query language commands, and very convenient, more detailed (2008-10-22, Delphi, 240KB, 下载12次)
