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[建站系统] byebyebyeBRIL

Code containing anomaly detection and channel selection algorithms meant for the PLT detector at CMS and further extended to BCM1F. (2024-07-30, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[建站系统] MuonAE

用于CMS Muon子系统中异常检测的自动编码器
Autoencoder for anomaly detection in the CMS Muon Subsystems (2024-05-10, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[建站系统] Surfside-Document-Alerter-and-Scraper

I built this script in light of the tragic building collapse that occurred in Surfside, FL. The purpose of this script is to see if the city of Surfside uploaded (or took down) any public record documents about Champlain Towers. The script sends an email alert to anyone I input letting them know when a change on the website occurs. The script (2021-09-08, Jupyter Notebook, 2KB, 下载0次)


[建站系统] SensorData-Project

Sensors data is a company providing big data analysis services. I do the signup behavior analysis for sensors data website.This is a end to end data science problem. The process includes data reading & cleaning, exploration data analysis, feature engineering and model building. (2018-05-09, Jupyter Notebook, 13680KB, 下载0次)


[建站系统] Capstone

This project aims to use machine learners to predict when a user is about to abandon a cart before it happens. This project performs predictive analysis for Dell customer’s website. It seeks to predict whether a customer is going to abandon a shopping cart before it happens. The predictive analysis was done using artificial neural network – (2018-05-03, Jupyter Notebook, 8064KB, 下载0次)
