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按平台查找All Jupyter Notebook(11) 

[Email客户端] AI-CUDA-email-classifier

This project implements a spam email classifier using logistic regression with CUDA acceleration via CuPy. The model is trained using scikit-learn for feature extraction. It offers functionality to check the model s accuracy through an 80 20 testing split and can also classify new emails. (2024-06-09, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Email客户端] AI-Spam-Email-Classifier

AI Spam Email Classifier (2024-05-04, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Email客户端] webscrapping_spain_appointments

Automate visa appointment scheduling at the Spanish Embassy with the Spanish Embassy Visa Checker. This Python script monitors embassy websites for new openings, sending email notifications to streamline the process. Simplify your visa application journey and focus on planning your trip to Spain seamlessly. (2024-04-27, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Email客户端] E-mail-Spam-Filter-NLP

Utilizing Natural Language Processing, this project builds an email spam filter. Trained on the SMS Spam Collection dataset, it employs a Na ve Bayes classifier to discern spam from legitimate emails, aiding in efficient email management. Contributed by KishoreMuruganantham. Licensed under MIT. (2024-04-09, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Email客户端] Email-Spam-Ham-Classifier-NB-hard

Naive Bayes Email Classifier: An implementation of a hard Naive Bayes classifier in Python to categorize emails as spam or ham. This code performs extensive data preprocessing, probability calculations, and model training for email classification using the raw Naive Bayes algorithm. (2023-11-13, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Email客户端] Jarvis-AI-Desktop-Voice-Assistant

Jarvis is Capable of sending emails without typing a single word. Doing Wikipedia searches without opening web browsers, and performing many other daily tasks like playing music with the help of a single voice command. (2023-11-09, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Email客户端] Automated-Report-Card-Generation

This project aims at generating Report Card Automatically. This Project is mainly divided into four parts. They are Cleaning the data, analysis of the data, making pdf, and sending emails automatically to the concerned student. You can check the Result.pdf to see how the pdf looks like. The whole process is automated using windows task scheduler... (2019-10-27, Jupyter Notebook, 396KB, 下载0次)


[Email客户端] Amazon-Price-Tracker-Python

Amazon price tracker Python app that regularly compares the price of your favourite product on Amazon and sends you a customized notification mail informing you about the fallen price (2020-11-12, Jupyter Notebook, 3KB, 下载0次)


[Email客户端] Mailserver_aiosmtpd_wrapper

This is a wrapper library made so that it is easy to generate bot emails from your domain using aiosmtpd library. (2021-12-26, Jupyter Notebook, 18KB, 下载0次)


[Email客户端] Spam-Detector-Y

AI Based Spam Detector for detecting spam emails and SMS. Written in python. (2022-03-16, Jupyter Notebook, 3100KB, 下载0次)


[Email客户端] Email-Spam-Detection

这是一个使用朴素贝叶斯算法构建的电子邮件垃圾邮件分类器。我已使用Sklearn CountVectorizer转换...
This is an email spam classifier build using the Naive Bayes algorithm. I have used Sklearn CountVectorizer to convert email text into a number matrix and then use Sklearn MultinomialNB classifier to train our model (2021-08-04, Jupyter Notebook, 209KB, 下载0次)
