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[机器人/智能制造] opentera-webrtc-teleop-frontend

OpenTera VUE3.js前端将与OpenTera-webrtc信令服务器一起使用(本地或互联网上)
OpenTera VUE3.js Frontend to be used with opentera-webrtc signaling server (local or on the Internet) (2023-05-26, Vue, 1141KB, 下载0次)


[机器人/智能制造] ChopperBot

ChopperBot,一款全自动的主播切片机器人,支持模块热度分析, 主播热度分析,智能爬取,弹幕视频爬取,弹幕分析, 自动切片,切片分类,自动标题,自动封面,账号打造,账号管理, 多平台上传等功能
ChopperBot is a fully automatic anchor slicing robot that supports module popularity analysis, anchor popularity analysis, intelligent crawling, bullet screen video crawling, bullet screen analysis, automatic slicing, slicing classification, automatic title, automatic cover, account creation, account management, multi-platform upload, and other functions (2023-04-27, Vue, 42855KB, 下载1次)
