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[Internet/IE编程] 3811366

一个与MyIE功能相同的多窗口浏览器,相当实用,包含全部源代码,强烈推荐!!! 本文来源于虾客源码
MyIE a function of the same multi-window browser, very useful, contains all the source code, it is strongly recommended! ! ! This article comes from shrimp-off source (2009-12-09, C/C++, 1279KB, 下载13次)


[Internet/IE编程] dcchao2

IE is now used Windows platform, the largest browser, but Microsoft's Internet Explorer is so simple, so no characteristics, how to modify procedures used IE and create their own characteristics of IE? I have been thinking through the registry to find a way to amend the IE, I would like to tell you about this method (2005-03-26, C/C++, 2KB, 下载228次)


[Internet/IE编程] tterm_srcp20

用C开发的一个类似于telnet client的终端模拟器在MS-Windows 95/NT下运行
Use C to develop a similar terminal emulator telnet client in the MS-Windows 95/NT run (2004-06-16, C/C++, 198KB, 下载20次)
