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[数据结构] 02_FIR

1.掌握用 Matlab 设计 FIR 数字滤波器的原理和方法。 2.掌握 FIR 数字滤波器的 DSP 实现方法。 3. 熟悉在 CCS 环境中信号波形的观察方法。
1. Master the principle and method of designing FIR digital filter with MATLAB. 2. Master the DSP implementation method of FIR digital filter. 3. Be familiar with the observation method of signal waveform in CCS environment. (2020-05-17, C/C++, 85KB, 下载1次)


[数据结构] 简易计算器

Clean Calculator Beta (2019-06-02, C/C++, 51KB, 下载0次)


[数据结构] sp++

sp++ 信号处理lib,包含滤波器,fft,波形分析
SP + + signal processing Lib (2019-01-25, C/C++, 7903KB, 下载4次)


[数据结构] 范式计算器

Normal Calculator.exe And Introduction file inside (2019-01-03, C/C++, 656KB, 下载0次)


[数据结构] 哈夫曼编译码器

HUFFMAN decoder, C language, data structure (2018-11-25, C/C++, 95KB, 下载1次)


[数据结构] 哈夫曼编码器,译码器问题

Complete the Hoffman code, decoding the problem, using the C language to implement the encoder, decoder functions. (2018-03-13, C/C++, 307KB, 下载1次)


[数据结构] 一元多项式计算器

One element polynomial calculator (2017-12-08, C/C++, 5KB, 下载1次)


[数据结构] LinkList

数据结构 是DVD啊发生vdfsbvdfdsvfvfv
englishvdsvdfsbdbvdvdvdfdvd (2017-09-17, C/C++, 2KB, 下载1次)


[数据结构] 计计计算器

Using C++ to achieve the function of small calculators, including four operations, trigonometric function, logarithmic function, power function calculation (2017-06-22, C/C++, 4KB, 下载3次)


[数据结构] Bellman-Ford-queue-optimization

Bellman-Ford algorithm that crucial point: Only those former slack again changed the vertex shortest distance estimates, causing their neighbors to the shortest distance estimates change. (2015-11-09, C/C++, 1KB, 下载1次)


[数据结构] main

1.某银行有四个窗口。编制程序记录银行的客户服务情况,并计算当天客户的平均逗留时间。 2.事件 类型:客户到达和四个窗口的客户离开。 时间:时间发生时间 3.事件考虑用“链表”进行存储。
1 There are four windows of a bank. Programming the bank s customer service record, and calculate the average length of stay of customers that day. 2 events Type: customers arrive and leave the customer four windows. Time: Time occurrence time 3. Event consider using "list" for storage. (2014-04-20, C/C++, 1KB, 下载1次)


[数据结构] clock

改进的Clock算法(Not Recently Used):为每页设置一访问位A,和一修改位M,将内存中的所有页面保存在一个类似于钟面的数据结构中,实验中采用了循环数组来模拟时钟。某页被访问,访问位置1;某页面被修改,修改位置1。本实验采用的是发生命中时,指针指向下一个页面。当发生缺页中断时,既要考虑最近未被访问过的页面,又要考虑最近未被修改过的页面,其执行步骤分为以下三步: 1:从当前指针所指位置扫描一遍循环数组,寻找A=0、M=0的页面,若找到,则置换页面,第一次扫描过程中不修改访问位。 2:如果第一步失败,则开始第二轮扫描,寻找A=0且M=1的页面,找到后立即置换,并将所有扫描过的页面访问位A都置0。 3:如果第二步仍未找到,则重复第一步,必要时再重复第二步,直到找到可以被置换出的页面为止。
clocking algorithm (2012-03-20, C/C++, 443KB, 下载6次)


[数据结构] code

(1) 生成n个[0,65535]以内的整数随机数,存入文本文件; (2) 将n个随机数从小到大排序,并显示结果。排序采用k桶法 (3)用函数编制混合同余的伪随机数发生器
(1) generate n-[0,65535] integer random number within, into a text file (2) n random numbers from small to large order, and displays the results. Sort by k Bucket (3) the preparation of mixed-use functions with more than a pseudo-random number generator (2010-07-31, C/C++, 71KB, 下载13次)


[数据结构] KMP-nextval

KMP algorithm is by analyzing the sub-string, place pre-calculated for each location does not match the time required to compare the next GOTO location, sorted out a next array, and then use the above algorithm. (2010-05-12, C/C++, 1KB, 下载1次)


[数据结构] DDS_Signal

基于SPACE061A凌阳单片机的DDS信号发生器,频率 幅度 可调
Based on SPACE061A Sunplus the DDS signal generator, frequency, amplitude adjustable (2009-10-19, C/C++, 154KB, 下载10次)


[数据结构] second_max

find second max number in a high effective method.The number in the array could be the same.meanwhile ,the program return special error code (2009-09-17, C/C++, 1KB, 下载3次)


[数据结构] WaveData_

波形数据软件 这个东西好啊 对控制数模转换芯片至关重要
Waveform data software to control this thing a few good-to-analog converter chip is essential (2009-07-22, C/C++, 88KB, 下载4次)


[数据结构] hash

查找: 建立一个哈希查找表,哈希函数采用: H(key)= key P(其中P=13),若发生冲突后,用链地址法解决冲突。
Search: the creation of a hash lookup table, the use of hash function: H (key) = key P (of which P = 13), if the occurrence of post-conflict, and conflict resolution chain address law. (2009-06-17, C/C++, 69KB, 下载51次)


[数据结构] ound

This is the C language voice algorithm, the computer voice will happen, simple, readable, and I value our study. (2006-04-06, C/C++, 1KB, 下载8次)


[数据结构] 关键路径

(1)输入E条弧<j,k>,建立AOE-网的存储结构 (2)从源点v出发,令ve[0]=0,按拓扑排序求其余各项顶点的最早发生时间ve[i](1<=i<=n-1).如果得到的拓朴有序序列中顶点个数小于网中顶点数n,则说明网中存在环,不能求关键路径,算法终止 否则执行步骤(3)(3)从汇点v出发,令vl[n-1]=ve[n-1],按逆拓朴排序求其余各顶点的最迟发生时间vl[i](n-2>=i>=2). (4)根据各顶点的ve和vl值,求每条弧s的最早发生时间e(s)和最迟开始时间l(s).若某条弧满足条件e(s)=l(s),则为关键活动.
(1) E importation of Arc lt; J, kgt; Establish AOE- network storage structure (2) v starting point source, ve [0] = 0, by topological sorting point for the rest of the earliest timing ve [i] (1LT ; = ilt; = n-1). if the Topography vertex orderly sequence number is less than net n vertices, a statement that net presence in Central, not for Critical Path, algorithm implementation steps to terminate or (3) (3) from the Department of v starting point, Vl [n-1] = ve [n-1], by the inverse order for the remaining topology of the latest occurrence of peak time Vl [i] (n-inversion; = IGT; = 2). (4) According to the apex of ve and Vl value for each s arc of the earliest timing e (s) and the latest starting time of l (s). If any meet the conditions of the arc e (s) = l (s), was critical activities. (2005-04-14, C/C++, 2KB, 下载62次)
