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按分类查找All 家庭/个人应用(12) 
按平台查找All C/C++(12) 

[家庭/个人应用] 2020

A simulated PLC controller with C51 (2020-03-09, C/C++, 35KB, 下载1次)


[家庭/个人应用] HT67F5640_temperature

Detection program HT67F5640 built-in temperature sensor (2014-12-15, C/C++, 55KB, 下载6次)


[家庭/个人应用] Local-area-network-video-monitoring

Local area network video monitoring (2012-07-20, C/C++, 6504KB, 下载5次)


[家庭/个人应用] Gamer-protection-

Computer game fatigue system is installed by a global dynamic link library hook, allowing young people to moderate the game in the case of strictly limited game time, when the game is longer than a predetermined value, the system prompts the player time is up, and then shielded operations except Save. The system provides the basic operations monitoring the game including adding and removing and that querying running time of a game within a certain time and that drawing out the running time trends of a game with the axis. System provides functions to tune the monitoring time to facilitate more effective management of the game. Meanwhile, the system provides strict access control that when exiting the system or modifying the game in information, requiring users to log in and provide the user s information management. System prepared an additional driver files to achieve process protection by the underlying functions of HOOK system. Loading the driver files before running the game to sol (2012-01-16, C/C++, 14765KB, 下载25次)


[家庭/个人应用] spcb

新型浴缸控制器控制,可以控制水泵、气泵、加热器、触摸屏、TFT LCD
New Whirlpool Controller (2010-02-25, C/C++, 543KB, 下载17次)


[家庭/个人应用] Intelligent_crib

Intelligent crib, testing temperature and humidity, when the temperature exceeds the set value, the drive fans, when the temperature falls below a certain value, the drive heat resistance. In addition, through infrared remote control can control the crib and the cradle of music playback. (2009-08-12, C/C++, 55KB, 下载25次)


[家庭/个人应用] 2009ShSit_GRSZGL

2009课程设计 个人收支管理 这是我自己写的最新的代码,包含了输入检查等功能。 收入模式中输入以下数据:顺序号、日期、摘要、金额、余额、币种,收入或支出标志。默认币种为人民币,也可以是美圆、欧元、日币或英镑。 支出模式中输入以下数据:顺序号、日期、摘要、金额、余额、币种,收入或支出标志。默认币种为人民币,也可以是美圆、欧元、日币或英镑。 查询与统计: a)明细表,可以输入起止日期查出这段时间内的收支明细(详细信息)。 b)按月、按年统计总收入和总支出。在显示器上显示出来。 输入信息时都要检查日期输入的正确性。 拓展功能: a)写入文件可以将查询与统计的结果,当前的数据(明细表)全部写入文件。 读取文件可以从磁盘上将所写入的(明细表)数据读到内存中,并显示。
2009 Shanghai Institute of Technology C-language practice. Personal In-outcome manager. (2009-07-02, C/C++, 315KB, 下载9次)


[家庭/个人应用] LOCK

Application of electronic code locks, with external memory. Can set a password (2009-05-11, C/C++, 47KB, 下载14次)


[家庭/个人应用] wkq

An electric water heater control procedures, functions have from time to time, temperature control ... a variety of functions. (2009-03-05, C/C++, 4KB, 下载83次)


[家庭/个人应用] sht10

温湿传感器sht10的C程序搞定了,进来坐坐!完美中文注释 用官方的51的C程序修改的,我的sht10样品还没到,不知道能不能用,如果ndust版主进来,请一定要发表的意见,欢迎大家批评指正!
Temperature and Humidity Sensor sht10 get the C program, come sit! Chinese Notes perfect 51 with an official of C procedures modify, I sht10 sample has not arrived yet, I do not know can not be used, if entered ndust moderator, be sure to views expressed by U.S. criticism welcome! (2008-05-08, C/C++, 2KB, 下载501次)


[家庭/个人应用] GPS

Car GPS market locator source code, can alarm message, positioning, can be accurate to 50M (2007-11-06, C/C++, 59KB, 下载177次)


[家庭/个人应用] 课程设计—计算器

simple calculator. There are six functions. Curriculum design is a small experiment. Very simple. (2005-07-07, C/C++, 1KB, 下载123次)
