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[酒店行业] linfayang

Intelligent ordering system is a blend of traditional recipes and wireless ordering information in one of the electronic ordering system for food and beverage industry launched a revolutionary electronic ordering products. Intelligent ordering system via high-definition LCD display screen for customers dishes, instead of the traditional low-end menus and a la carte treasure products, to provide more enhanced services. Wherein the images, text, audio and video and other ways to try to show the characteristics of a comprehensive, intelligent Dining is the premise and foundation. With the development of science and technology industries are undergoing tremendous change, the same is true food and beverage industry, careful friends may find that many hotels now, a la carte at the hotel when they are no longer as in the past pen on paper on the record, but something similar to mobile phone holding a point to point. (2016-03-07, C/C++, 332KB, 下载4次)
