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[MacOS编程] BrightnessMenulet-master

The brightness of the external display can be adjusted by software, so that the brightness of the external display and the brightness of the main display can be synchronized. (2018-06-19, C/C++, 1619KB, 下载4次)


[MacOS编程] OS

命令接口解释器 利用C语言、DOS中断中21H与屏幕显示相关的中断调用完成设计,具体包括: 1. 命令解释器 2. 列目录命令 3. 显示时间命令 4. 显示日期命令 5. 回显字符串命令 6. 创建目录命令 7. 删除目录命令 8. 更改路径命令 9. 显示当前工作目录命令 10. 删除文件命令 11. 打印文本命令 12. 文件重新命名 13. 显示文本命令 14. 显示版本命令 15. 显示目录结构命令 16. 清除当前显示内容命令 上述内容中,所有命令通过命令解释器能够执行,即启动命令解释器以后,输入相应命令,按照输入指令执行相应功能,并在屏幕上显示相应结果。
Command interface interpreter (2017-12-21, C/C++, 1211KB, 下载3次)


[MacOS编程] PaintBoard-build-r1003

苹果下的简易画图源代码 可以学习苹果机器开发过程
the sample paintboard for ipad (2012-01-25, C/C++, 1370KB, 下载4次)


[MacOS编程] freshbooks-addons-iphone

Freshbooks是一款用来管理发票,客户和记录开票时间的程序。 时间管理—持续上传时间。使用记时器来记录时间,或手动输入时间。 客户管理—使用黑莓致电或发送电子邮件到客户端。手机直接显示客户地址。搜索功能允许客户迅速访问数百名客户。 发票管理—通过手机查看发票详细内容,输入付款额并发送发票。
Freshbooks is a used to manage invoices, customer billing and record the time of the procedure. Time Management- last upload time. Use timers to record time, or manually enter the time. Customer Management- call or email using the BlackBerry to the client. Phone directly to display customer address. Search feature allows customers to quickly access hundreds of customers. Invoice Management- BlackBerry view the invoice details, enter payments and send invoices. (2011-11-12, C/C++, 473KB, 下载7次)


[MacOS编程] CSS-design-source-code

[高访问量网站的CSS设计].源代码你将从《Pro CSS for High Traffic Websites》中学习到制作强大和模块化的CSS、如何最大限度地提高网站的性能、跨浏览器和CSS访问的最佳做法、CSS技术动态等等。
Targeted at "high traffic" websites—those receiving over 10,000 unique visitors a day—Pro CSS for High Traffic Websites gives you inside information from the professionals on how to get the most out of your web development team. What you’ll learn The value of process Making reusable, robust, and modular CSS How to maximize the performance of your site Integrating with third parties How to keep branding consistent Best practices for cross-browser and accessible CSS Dynamic CSS techniques (2011-09-26, C/C++, 2780KB, 下载4次)


[MacOS编程] AD0804

关于adc0804的基本应用,ADC0804是用CMOS集成工艺制成的逐次比较型摸数转换芯片。分辨率8位,转换时间100μs,输入电压范围为0~5V,增加某些外部电路后,输入模拟电压可为 5V。该芯片内有输出数据锁存器,当与计算机连接时,转换电路的输出可以直接连接在CPU数据总线
About adc804 basic applicationsADC0804 is made with CMOS integrated process of successive digital conversion chip comparative type touch. Resolution 8 bits, conversion time 100 muon s, input voltage range is 0 ~ 5V, adding some external circuits, input analog voltage may be 5V. The chip has output data latches, when with the computer connection, converting circuit output can be directly connected to the CPU data bus (2011-05-12, C/C++, 12KB, 下载4次)
