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[iPhone/iOS] iphone-textReader-source-smaple

iPhone text reader application sample code, and delve into the iPhone developer' s engineers have a certain reference value. (2012-08-12, C/C++, 1032KB, 下载8次)


[iPhone/iOS] SCI-15C(an-iphone-calculator-1.0.9)

iPhone application code-.-15C: a scientific calculator hp15c,-1.0.9.zip good reference value to studying the iPhone professional applications development. (2012-08-12, C/C++, 267KB, 下载4次)


[iPhone/iOS] SCI-15C(an-iphone-calculator-1.0.6)

iPhone application source code-SCI-15C: a scientific calculator-hp12c-1.0.6, a good reference value to study the iPhone professional development. (2012-08-12, C/C++, 228KB, 下载6次)


[iPhone/iOS] vfr-Reader-3579fe5

iphone to achieve a similar picture browse page mode pdf reader (2011-11-12, C/C++, 121KB, 下载18次)


[iPhone/iOS] TxtReader

implemented on a regular iphone txt text and pdf reader can read (2011-11-12, C/C++, 1082KB, 下载38次)


[iPhone/iOS] MinutesToMidnight

iphone 31天开源工程中的第一个,一个精美的计时器
Just like any good programmers we decided to bite this off the same day Apple lifted the NDA even faced with the time constraints. Needless to say the first app will be VERY simple, however it does demonstrate some stuff I stumbled on the first time I started coding against the iPhone SDK. The app is "Minutes to Midnight" it is simply a countdown of the time left I have to finish this app before tomorrow :). This idea came from my friend Chris Craft who committed (and completed!) 30 day of Windows Mobile development. To get started fire up xCode and * Click: File->New Project. From the "New Project" dialog * Select: iPhone OS->Applications-> View-Based Application * Name It: I named mine "MinutesToMidnight" This project already has a UIView we that will be the main view of or application. I imagine a count down looking like a plastic alarm clock which of cource counts backwards to zero. Let make our text have a red LED look and our back (2009-04-08, C/C++, 9KB, 下载16次)
