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[搜索引擎] httpget-2.0.0

命令行的httpget2.0.0程序,几乎可以在任何C语言编译器及操作系统中编译通过。-httpget the command line procedures, in almost any C language compiler and operating system compile.
Command line httpget2.0.0 procedures, almost in any C language compiler and operating system compiled through.-httpget the command line procedures, in almost any C language compiler and operating system compile. (2008-12-14, C/C++, 51KB, 下载8次)


[搜索引擎] cifa

Lexical analysis, a compiler. For students interested in the compiler can look at the wording of Act analyzer can also be made to (2008-07-13, C/C++, 1KB, 下载4次)


[搜索引擎] bookMing.tar

BookMng书签程序源代码 书签转换程序,基于浏览器,可进行地址统计,内建搜索引擎,强大的自定义功能,支持组区分,个人密码设定,类别排序
BookMng Bookmark Bookmark source code conversion program, based on the browser, which can carry out address statistics, Built-in search engine, a powerful custom functions, support group distinction, personal password creation, ranking categories (2007-05-18, C/C++, 117KB, 下载1次)
