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[其他书籍] 苹果CMSV10教程-路由伪静态用法

Apple CMS set pseudo-static router, Apple CMS set pseudo-static rules (2018-12-01, PHP, 32092KB, 下载3次)


[其他书籍] AdvancedPHP.tar

高级PHP编程, web服务器程序设计,构建数据库web程序
In this concise, hands-on tutorial, PHP expert Christopher Cosentino delivers dozens of powerful new techniques for building serious Web applications. Through professional-quality examples drawn from his six years as a PHP developer, Cosentino walks you through building friendlier, more usable sites improving user authentication generating dynamic graphics parsing XML documents building database-independent Web applications and much more! (2010-01-28, PHP, 1108KB, 下载4次)


[其他书籍] jQuery_1.3_with_PHP

Jquery with PHP, 使用jQuery,您可以使用最流行的一 JavaScript库,忘了跨浏览器的问题,并简化 创造非常强大和反应界面 - 所有符合最低 代码。
Jquery with PHP, the use of jQuery, you can use one of the most popular JavaScript libraries, forgot to cross-browser issues, and to simplify the creation of very powerful and responsive interface- all meet the minimum code. (2009-12-07, PHP, 4062KB, 下载7次)


[其他书籍] PHP_inside

PHP 语言,数据,结构,数组,函数和对象 Web服务器环境和网 文件访问 数据库:MySql,PostgreSQL,DB2,ODBC和其它 邮件,新闻,IMAP和LDAP XML
PHP language, data, structure, array, function and target Web server environment and network file access databases: MySql, PostgreSQL, DB2, ODBC, and other e-mail, news, IMAP and LDAP XML (2009-03-04, PHP, 14254KB, 下载4次)


[其他书籍] Php3中文简单教程

PHP3.0版本是一种服务器端HTML-嵌入式脚本描述语言。   PHP3能做什么? 也许PHP3最强大和最重要的特征是他的数据库集成层,使用它完成一个含有数据库功能的网页是不可置信的简单。目前支持下面所列的数据库。
PHP3.0 version is a server-side HTML-embedded scripting language description. PHP3 what can you do? PHP3 perhaps the most powerful and most important features of his database integration layer, use it to complete a database containing function of the website is incredibly simple. Currently supports the database are listed below. (2005-08-31, PHP, 50KB, 下载7次)
