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[Ajax] TFM22

Ajax-based file management tools to support asp and fso on the server to work properly, to order fso to move files, folders, copy, delete, but also open or download (2016-12-15, PHP, 66KB, 下载1次)


[Ajax] EmpireCMSUTF8

1、信息支持评分、投票。 2、标签支持按评分数、投票数调用 3、评论增加“支持”与“反对”功能,支持AJAX 4、电影模型播放自动识别,不需要选择播放器 5、新增栏目封面模板 6、右键菜单改进 7、缩略图可选择超出部分截取,并可在参数设置默认值 8、图片水印支持JPG质量、透明度设置
1, information support score, vote. 2, the label supports according to the rating score, the number of votes call 3, comments to increase the support and opposition function, support AJAX 4, film model player automatically identified, do not need to choose the player 5, the new column cover template 6. Right click menu. 7, the thumbnail can choose to exceed the part of the interception, and can be set in the parameters of the default value 8, image watermark to support JPG quality, transparency (2016-04-24, PHP, 2878KB, 下载1次)


[Ajax] Jsobject_ajax-wrapper-class

Pure js ajax class encapsulation, convenient call, compatible with various browsers, without jq or other plugin conditions, is a lightweight class. (2015-10-23, PHP, 2KB, 下载4次)


[Ajax] 9

Ajax fashion technology, including album program, create an RSS reader program source code (2014-08-31, PHP, 132KB, 下载3次)


[Ajax] mollify_1.8

Mollify是一个基于AJAX的Web文件管理器,提供一个整洁和可定制的用户界面和PHP的后端。这是很容易的配置,包括完全可配置的多出版目录别名。 Mollify(Web文件管理器) 1.8这个版本有个重新设计的客户端用户界面,并增加了对SQLite数据库和单点登录的支持。一些问题已得到修复。
Mollify is an AJAX-based Web File Manager, providing a clean and customizable user interface and PHP backend. It is very easy configuration, including fully configurable multi-published directory alias. Mollify (Web File Manager) 1.8 This version has a redesigned user interface for the client, and increased the SQLite database and single sign-on support. Some problems have been fixed. (2011-05-16, PHP, 6682KB, 下载11次)


[Ajax] pecl-5.2.2RC2-nts-Win32

Apache。非常建议以chroot方式安装启动Apache,这样即使Apache和PHP及其脚本出现漏洞,受影响的也只有这个禁锢的系统,不会危害实际系统。但是使用chroot的Apache后,给应用也会带来一定的麻烦,比如连接mysql时必须用127.0.0.1地址使用tcp连接而不能用localhost实现socket连接 (2009-08-30, PHP, 2748KB, 下载77次)
