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[磁盘编程] hebergOS

INSA HdF的计算机科学俱乐部。insa.sh.为了管理俱乐部服务器上的托管项目
For INSA HdF s computer science club . insa.sh. In order to manage hosted projects on club s servers (2023-11-18, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[磁盘编程] hp-mgmt

Retrieve model and IP address of ILO cards, and RAID informations (for HP servers only) (2020-08-14, PHP, 40KB, 下载0次)


[磁盘编程] zfs-balancer

php脚本是为了尝试和平衡ZFS RAID阵列而创建的,该阵列是通过向池中添加驱动器而随时间构建的...
php script created in order to try and balance a ZFS RAID array that was built over time by adding drives to the pool over time. (2018-08-23, PHP, 3KB, 下载0次)


[磁盘编程] phpdisk_2

创建虚拟磁盘。用户可以创建磁盘,像日常操作上传、下载、管理文件。只要能上网,就能办公。 不限级的文件夹。用户可以在每个磁盘下创建文件夹。 上传文件。用户可以将一些文件上传、保存到您的服务器中,系统会有相应的管理界面。免去你直接用FTP管理的麻烦。
Create a virtual disk. Users can create a disk, like the Daily operation upload, download, manage documents. As long as we can online, the office will be able to. Open-level folder. Users can create each disk folder. Upload files. Users can upload some files, save it to your server, the system will be corresponding management interface. Removed from the direct use of FTP management you trouble. (2009-03-13, PHP, 464KB, 下载21次)
