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[数据库编程] dailiws

1.免维护,免打理 2.在线云平台同步更新 3.广告自营 4.成本低廉 5.易于架设 6.无需数据库 6.静态空间即可完美运行 使用方法: 将下载的文件解压上传到服务器根目录即可 预设了2个300x250的广告位
1. Maintenance-free, free to take care of 2. Online cloud platform synchronization update 3. Advertising self 4. Low cost 5. Easy to set up 6. No 6. Static space can be run perfectly Usage: Unzip the downloaded file to upload to The server root will have 2 300x250 ad slots pre-set (2016-12-01, PHP, 58KB, 下载1次)


[数据库编程] Zend-Framework2

zend framework2 入门教程,教程针对视图、模型、控制器,数据库连接等内容做了详细而深入解释。
zend framework2 introductory tutorial tutorials for the views, models, controllers, connections, etc. to do a detailed and in-depth explanation. (2016-08-21, PHP, 7778KB, 下载1次)


[数据库编程] bmb-d-21

可以设置数据库前缀,使得论坛可以在单数据库环境下安装多次,多项原创技术(多附件同时上传等!),以及用户组权限设定、后台管理项权限设定、回收站、版块操作日志和强大的后台管理功能(合并论坛、一个性删除用户多个帖子、强大的一次性备份、恢复论坛功能等强大功能!),让你的论坛管理轻松自如 新增功能: 1. + 小的改动和错误修复 2. * 防止一帖情况多购发生
Database prefix can be set, so that the forum can be installed in a single environment, a number of times, a number of original technology (such as multiple attachments at the same time!) , and user group permissions settings, set the background management authority, recovery station, section operation log and powerful background management functions (combined with the forum, a personality to delete the user a plurality of posts, a strong one-time backup, recovery the forum features powerful!) , let your forum management relaxed and comfortable Add function: 1+ minor changes and bug fixes 2* prevent multiple purchase of a post (2016-05-11, PHP, 840KB, 下载1次)


[数据库编程] insert

Simple procedure to insert data into the database is on the Apache server operations (2014-06-12, PHP, 1KB, 下载1次)


[数据库编程] NK_databaseHomework

南开大学数据库工程作业完整版: 电影院管理系统。 数据库MySQL前端语言PHP。 具有增删改查的基本功能,具有触发器和存储过程,能够级联删除,每项操作均涉及2张及以上表。 附工程作业word介绍。
Nankai database engineering work full version: Cinema management system. MySQL database front-end language PHP. Have the basic CRUD functions with triggers and stored procedures, can cascade delete, each operation involve two or more tables. Engineering jobs attached word introduction. (2014-02-08, PHP, 1239KB, 下载26次)


[数据库编程] dede-zimujiansuo

dede5.6 version of the test error, the article can be indexed alphabetically, install the plug-in you need to change the database, please be sure to backup before using the database side accidents. (2014-01-20, PHP, 43KB, 下载4次)


[数据库编程] matrix

Matrix Manager, you must have the appropriate database to use for converting healthy dish Development encoding, containing hexadecimal and binary conversion of related applications, (2013-06-10, PHP, 2KB, 下载4次)
