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[Windows编程] Accessing-FLUENT-Solver-using-Macros

Fluent 系列软件提供了一系列预先设计的方程来从求解器中读写数据。这些方程以宏的形式存放在代码中。这章的所列出的宏是被定义在扩展名为.h文件里的。例如mem.h, metric.h, 和dpm.h。在udf.h文件中包含了宏的定义和这章中所用到的大部分宏文件和它的说明。因此如果在你的原程序中包含了udf.h文件,那么也就包含了各种的求解器读写文件了。(.h文件)。
Fluent series software offers a range of pre-designed to read and write data the equation solver. These equations are stored as macros in the code. Macros listed in this chapter are defined in the file extension .h. For example mem.h, metric.h, and dpm.h. In udf.h file contains macro definitions and those used in this chapter most macro file and its description. Therefore, if the file contains udf.h in your original program, then it contains a variety of solvers write files. (.h Files). (2015-07-29, Perl, 60KB, 下载7次)


[Windows编程] mojo-master

实时网络框架。 强大的REST风格的路线,插件,命令,Perl模板框,内容协商,会话管理,表单验证,测试框架,静态文件服务器,一流的Unicode支持和更多的等你来发掘
Features An amazing real-time web framework, allowing you to easily grow single file Mojolicious::Lite prototypes into well structured web applications. Powerful out of the box with RESTful routes, plugins, commands, Perl-ish templates, content negotiation, session management, form validation, testing framework, static file server, first class Unicode support and much more for you to discover. Very clean, portable and Object Oriented pure-Perl API without any hidden magic and no requirements besides Perl 5.10.1 (although 5.18+ is recommended, and optional CPAN modules will be used to provide advanced functionality if they are installed). Full stack HTTP and WebSocket client/server implementation with IPv6, TLS, SNI, IDNA, Comet (long polling), keep-alive, connection pooling, timeout, cookie, multipart, proxy, and gzip compression support. Built-in non-blocking I/O web server, supporting multiple event loops as well as optional preforking and hot deploymen (2014-07-15, Perl, 780KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] mysql-shx-

SHELL script exercises, batch processing to modify the database db each server updates. (2014-01-05, Perl, 1KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] udp_run

Use command line to select run client or server,use udp to commulication.Client send command to server and server return status or executer command. (2013-08-30, Perl, 2KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] calculator

Calculator program written in Perl, you can perform addition, subtraction and other operations, you can enter a decimal point. (2012-06-15, Perl, 1KB, 下载10次)


[Windows编程] code-perl-ping

windows will detect whether the server activity. Is mainly used for testing and testing. (2010-02-26, Perl, 1KB, 下载4次)


[Windows编程] QQ

QQ聊天分析器~经测试可用(需win32.pm) (qq chat-analyzer can be tested )
QQ chat Analyzer ~ tested available (subject to win32.pm) (qq chat-analyzer can be tested) (2008-12-14, Perl, 2KB, 下载54次)


[Windows编程] httpdebug-2.0

httpdebug2.0用于调试HTTP传输的工具。可模仿server和client之间的传输。 在浏览器里操作此程序.cgi
httpdebug2.0 HTTP transmission for debugging tool. Replicable between server and client transmission. The browser operating procedure. Cgi (2006-04-20, Perl, 19KB, 下载42次)


[Windows编程] ds18b

这是关于DS18B20的读写程序,数据脚P2.2,晶振12MHZ 温度传感器18B20汇编程序,采用器件默认的12位转化,最大转化时间750微秒 可以将检测到的温度直接显示到两个数码管上 显示温度00到99度
DS18B20 on literacy, data P2.2 feet, 12MHZ crystal temperature sensor 18B20 assembler, using the default device into 12, the largest 750 microsecond conversion time can be detected directly to the temperature of the two shows shown on the digital temperature control from 00 to 99 degrees (2006-04-10, Perl, 70KB, 下载55次)
