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[Bootstrap] counter-app-boilerplate

为经典 React计数器应用程序创建的CRA实例。Typescript已启用。未创建功能。
A CRA Instance created for the Classic React Counter App. Typescript enabled. No functionalities created. (2024-04-27, SCSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Bootstrap] all-about-hair

这是一个2018年的老项目。它不使用NgRX RxJS实现任何类型的Redux模式。为欢乐谷的一家企业定制美发沙龙网站,使用Bootstrap 4使用MEAN堆栈构建。它包括用于授权CRUD操作的API、具有自动JWT续订(通过OAuth)的身份验证和访问管理,以及具有自定义验证的简单复杂表单。它包括使用nock库模拟的客户端单元测试(WIP)和服务器端单元测试。集成Google日历API
This is an older project from 2018. It does not implement any type of Redux pattern with NgRX RxJS. Custom hair salon site for a business in Happy Valley built with MEAN stack using Bootstrap 4. It includes APIs for authorized CRUD operations, authentication and access management with automatic JWT renewal (via OAuth), and simple complex forms with custom validation. It includes client-side unit tests (WIP) and server-side unit tests mocked using the nock library. Integrates Google Calendar APIs (2024-04-13, SCSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Bootstrap] bootstrap-italia-angular-starter

bootstrap italia angular starter (2024-02-05, SCSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Bootstrap] ej2-javascript-ui-controls

Syncfusion JavaScript UI控件库提供超过50种跨浏览器、响应迅速、轻量级的HTML5 UI控件...
Syncfusion JavaScript UI controls library offer more than 50+ cross-browser, responsive, and lightweight HTML5 UI controls for building modern web applications. (2023-05-16, SCSS, 160494KB, 下载0次)
