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按分类查找All 编程语言基础(3) 
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[编程语言基础] frontend-starter

使用FrontEnd Starter构建现代优化的HTML、CSS SASS SCSS、JS项目。该样板套件使用Gulp 4任务管理器,
Build modern and optimized HTML, CSS SASS SCSS, JS projects with FrontEnd Starter. This boilerplate kit is using Gulp 4 task manager, (2023-09-14, SCSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[编程语言基础] iib-tutorials

模板和代码是为IBM Integration Bus教程管理器开发的所有教程的核心,
Templates and code that are central to all tutorials developed for the IBM Integration Bus tutorial manager, (2022-11-02, SCSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[编程语言基础] challenge-codelandia-dev-community

该项目使用Github API和Typescript面向对象编程来生成卡片,其中用户的存储库被输入到服务器中...,
The project uses the Github API and Typescript object-oriented programming to generate cards with repositories of users typed into the search field. (2022-07-09, SCSS, 0KB, 下载0次)
