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[加密解密] l-API-and-Encryption-Implementation-for-SecureWeb

通过其强大的Web API,SecureWeb无缝地集成了三个关系模型。“SecureWeb”附带自定义密钥加密器和基于DPAPI NG的加密。通过使用加密,密钥在静止时是安全的,并且可以部署在web场中。移动友好,无需引导,应用程序具有直观的用户界面。
Through its robust Web API, SecureWeb integrates three relational models seamlessly. "SecureWeb" comes with a custom key encryptor and DPAPI-NG-based encryption. By using encryption, keys are secure at rest and can be deployed within a web farm. Mobile-friendly without Bootstrap, the application has intuitive user interfaces. (2024-03-17, SCSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] midi-smtp-server

高度可定制的ruby SMTP服务器和SMTP服务库,内置AUTH和SSL STARTTLS支持,8BI...
The highly customizable ruby SMTP-Server and SMTP-Service library with builtin support for AUTH and SSL/STARTTLS, 8BITMIME and SMTPUTF8, IPv4 and IPv6 and additional features. (2023-05-11, SCSS, 1752KB, 下载0次)
