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[其他] kube-router

kube-router website (2024-03-31, Less, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] graduate-tracking

基于Vue和SpringBoot的毕业生追踪系统拥有登陆注册模块、学生基本配置模块、就业状况模块、学历深造模块、信息 汇 总 分析模块、校友论坛六大模块,另外还包括基础的用户管理、文件管理、角色管理、日志管理等,是基于浏览器运行的web管理...
The graduate tracking system based on Vue and SpringBoot has six modules: login and registration module, basic student configuration module, employment status module, education further education module, information summary and analysis module, alumni forum, and also includes basic user management, file management, role management, log management, etc. It is a web management based on browser operation (2023-01-11, Less, 0KB, 下载0次)
