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[电子书籍] dahlia-cookbook

Hardware Accelerators using Dahlia (2024-03-22, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[电子书籍] CookBookServer

CookBookServer (2023-12-10, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[电子书籍] serverless-aws-functional-programming-book

Book on Functional Programming Serverless Architecture on AWS, (2020-05-09, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[电子书籍] the-programmers-idea-book

Progress tracker for the code challenges in "The Programmers Idea Book" by Martyr2, (2013-09-11, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[电子书籍] Weixin_Douban

基于SAE服务器,通过豆瓣api,搜索书籍 电影 音乐信息,
Search books, movies and music information through Douban API based on SAE server, (2015-05-08, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[电子书籍] Python基础教程(第2版 修订版)

This book covers all aspects of python programming. It starts with the installation of python, and then introduces the basic knowledge and basic concepts of python, including lists, tuples, strings, dictionaries and various sentences. Then introduced some relatively advanced topics step by step, including abstraction, exceptions, magic methods, attributes, and iterators. After that, I discussed how to use python with tools such as database, network, c language, etc., so as to give play to the powerful functions of python. At the same time, I introduced the knowledge of python program testing, packaging and publishing. Finally, the author combined the content described above and introduced the development process of several python projects with practical significance to the readers according to the actual project development steps. (2021-03-17, Python, 30150KB, 下载4次)


[电子书籍] Python核心编程(第3版)PDF高清晰完整中文版

《Python核心编程(第3版)》是经典畅销图书《Python核心编程(第二版)》的全新升级版本,总共分为3部分。第1部分为讲解了Python的一些通用应用,包括正则表达式、网络编程、Internet客户端编程、多线程编程、GUI编程、数据库编程、Microsoft Office编程、扩展Python等内容;第2部分讲解了与Web开发相关的主题,包括Web客户端和服务器、CGI和WSGI相关的Web编程、Django Web框架、云计算、高级Web服务;第3部分则为一个补充/实验章节,包括文本处理以及一些其他内容。
"Python Core Programming (3rd Edition)" is a brand new upgraded version of the classic best-selling book "Python Core Programming (2nd Edition)", divided into 3 parts in total. The first part explains some general applications of Python, including regular expressions, network programming, Internet client programming, multi-threaded programming, GUI programming, database programming, Microsoft Office programming, extended Python, etc.; the second part explains and Web development related topics, including Web clients and servers, CGI and WSGI-related Web programming, Django Web framework, cloud computing, advanced Web services; Part 3 is a supplementary/experimental chapter, including text processing and some other content . (2021-03-17, Python, 19993KB, 下载6次)


[电子书籍] Learning Python, 5th Edition

经典的python教程。Python的官方解释器是CPython,该解释器用C语言编写,是一个由社区驱动的自由软件,目前由Python软件基金会管理。 Python支持命令式程序设计、面向对象程序设计、函数式编程、面向侧面程序设计、泛型编程多种编程范式。Python学习手册里面涵盖了问答环节、Python如何运行程序、如何运行程序、Python对象类型、数字类型、动态类型、字符串等教程
Classic python tutorial. The official interpreter of Python is CPython. The interpreter is written in C language and is a free software driven by the community. It is currently managed by the Python Software Foundation. Python supports multiple programming paradigms: imperative programming, object-oriented programming, functional programming, side-oriented programming, and generic programming. The Python learning manual covers questions and answers, how to run programs in Python, how to run programs, Python object types, number types, dynamic types, strings, etc. (2021-03-17, Python, 14437KB, 下载0次)


[电子书籍] 《Python+Cookbook》第三版中文v3.0.0

Python Cookbook(第3版)中文版介绍了Python应用在各个领域中的一些使用技巧和方法,其主题涵盖了数据结构和算法,字符串和文本,数字、日期和时间,迭代器和生成器,文件和I/O,数据编码与处理,函数,类与对象,元编程,模块和包,网络和Web编程,并发,实用脚本和系统管理,测试、调试以及异常,C语言扩展等。
The Chinese version of Python Cookbook (3rd edition) introduces some techniques and methods of using Python in various fields. Its topics cover data structures and algorithms, strings and text, numbers, dates and times, iterators and generators, File and I/O, data coding and processing, functions, classes and objects, metaprogramming, modules and packages, network and Web programming, concurrency, utility scripts and system management, testing, debugging and exceptions, C language extensions, etc. (2021-03-17, Python, 1809KB, 下载4次)


[电子书籍] python编程无师自通-专业程序员的养成

本书包括 5 部分内容:第一部分(第 1~11 章)介绍了编程基础知识,以及函数、 容器、字符串、循环和模型等概念;第二部分(第 12~15 章)介绍了编程范式和面向对 象编程等知识;第三部分(第 16~20 章)介绍了 Bash、正则表达式、包管理器和版本 控制等编程工具方面的知识;第四部分(第 21~22 章)主要涉及数据结构和算法方面的 知识;第五部分(第 23~27 章)则是关于求职与团队协作的内容。 本书可以满足几乎所有想要学习编程的初学者。本书适合高中、大学阶段想要自学 编程的学生,以及其他行业想入门编程的人,同时也适合作为编程入门的培训教材
This book consists of 5 parts: The first part (Chapters 1 to 11) introduces the basics of programming, as well as concepts such as functions, containers, strings, loops, and models; Part III (Chapters 16-20) introduces knowledge of programming tools such as Bash, regular expressions, package managers, and version control, and Part IV (Chapters 21-22) focuses on knowledge of data structures and algorithms The fifth part (Chapters 23-27) is about job search and teamwork. This book can satisfy almost any beginner who wants to learn programming. This book is suitable for students who want to learn programming on their own in high school and college, as well as for those in other industries who want to get started with programming, as well as training materials for getting started with programming. (2021-01-03, Python, 2891KB, 下载4次)


[电子书籍] python 基础教程

本书包括 Python 程序设计的方方面面:首先,从 Python 的安装开始,随后介绍了 Python 的基础知识 和基本概念,包括列表、元组、字符串、字典以及各种语句;然后,循序渐进地介绍了一些相对高级的主 题,包括抽象、异常、魔法方法、属性、迭代器;此后,探讨了如何将 Python 与数据库、网络、C 语言等 工具结合使用,从而发挥出 Python 的强大功能,同时介绍了 Python 程序测试、打包、发布等知识;最后, 作者结合前面讲述的内容,按照实际项目开发的步骤向读者介绍了 10 个具有实际意义的 Python 项目的开 发过程。
Trademarked names, logos, and images may appear in this book. Rather than use a trademark symbol with every occurrence of a trademarked name, logo, or image we use the names, logos, and images only in an editorial fashion and to the benefit of the trademark owner, with no intention of infringement of the trademark. (2020-11-13, Python, 4458KB, 下载4次)


[电子书籍] Python基础教程(第3版)高清中文版

《Python基础教程(第3版)》是2018年人民邮电出版社出版的图书,作者是[挪]Magnus Lie Hetland。该书全面介绍了Python的基础知识和基本概念,包括列表、元组、字符串、字典及各种语句,高级主题,包括抽象、异常、魔法方法、属性、迭代器,还有Python程序测试、打包、发布等知识,及10个具有实际意义的Python项目的开发过程。
Python basic course (3rd Edition) is a book published by people's Posts and Telecommunications Press in 2018, written by Magnus lie Hetland. This book comprehensively introduces the basic knowledge and concepts of python, including lists, tuples, strings, dictionaries and various statements, advanced topics, including abstraction, exception, magic method, attribute, iterator, python program testing, packaging, publishing, etc., and the development process of 10 Python projects with practical significance. (2020-10-21, Python, 4351KB, 下载5次)


[电子书籍] PYTHON UNIX和LINUX系统管理指南

《Python UNIX和Linux系统管理指南》介绍了Python语言如何为管理uNIx和Linux服务器提供各种更加有效的任务处理方式。书中各章都提出了具体的管理问题,如并发或数据备份,然后通过Python示例提供了解决方案。通过《Python UNIX和Linux系统管理指南》,读者可以学习如何用Python开发自己的一套命令行工具来解决诸多问题
"Python UNIX and Linux System Management Guide" describes how Python language provides a variety of more effective task handling methods for managing uNIx and Linux servers. Chapters in the book raise specific management issues, such as concurrency or data backup, and then provide solutions through Python examples. Through Python UNIX and Linux System Management Guide, readers can learn how to use Python to develop their own set of command-line tools to solve many problems. (2019-07-07, Python, 23909KB, 下载1次)


[电子书籍] Python核心编程(第3版)中文版

第1 部分:通用应用主题 第1 章——正则表达式 第2 章——网络编程 第3 章——因特网客户端编程 第4 章——多线程编程 第5 章——GUI 编程 第6 章——数据库编程 第8 章——扩展Python 第2 部分:Web 开发 第9 章——Web 客户端和服务器 第10 章——Web 编程:CGI 和WSGI 第11 章——Web 框架:Django 第12 章——云计算:Google App Engine 第13 章——Web 服务 第3 部分:补充/实验章节 第14 章——文本处理 第15 章——其他内容
The first part: general application theme. The first chapter -- regular expression The second chapter -- network programming The third chapter -- Internet Client Programming The fourth chapter -- multithread programming The fifth chapter -- GUI programming The sixth chapter -- database programming The eighth chapter -- extend Python The second part: Web development. The ninth chapter -- Web client and server The tenth chapter -- Web programming: CGI and WSGI The eleventh chapter -- Web framework: Django The twelfth chapter -- Cloud Computing: Google App Engine The thirteenth chapter -- Web service The third part: supplementary / experimental chapters. The fourteenth chapter -- text processing The fifteenth chapter -- other contents (2018-09-28, Python, 17086KB, 下载12次)


[电子书籍] Python核心编程 第3版

《Python核心编程(第3版)》是经典畅销图书《Python核心编程(第二版)》的全新升级版本,总共分为3部分。第1部分为讲解了Python的一些通用应用,包括正则表达式、网络编程、Internet客户端编程、多线程编程、GUI编程、数据库编程、Microsoft Office编程、扩展Python等内容。第2部分讲解了与Web开发相关的主题,包括Web客户端和服务器、CGI和WSGI相关的Web编程、Django Web框架、云计算、高级Web服务。第3部分则为一个补充/实验章节,包括文本处理以及一些其他内容。 《Python核心编程(第3版)》适合具有一定经验的Python开发人员阅读。
Python core programming (Third Edition) is a newly upgraded version of the classic bestseller Python core programming (Second Edition), which is divided into 3 parts. The first part explains some general applications of Python, including regular expressions, network programming, Internet client programming, multithread programming, GUI programming, database programming, Microsoft Office programming, and extension Python. The second part explains topics related to Web development, including Web client and server, Web programming related to CGI and WSGI, Django Web framework, cloud computing, and advanced Web services. The third part is a supplementary / experimental chapter, including text processing and some other contents. Python core programming (Third Edition) is suitable for Python developers who have some experience. (2018-07-05, Python, 17028KB, 下载17次)


[电子书籍] Vim用户手册中文版7.4.pdf

使用 Vim 更多的是一种技能而不是一种知识,Vim 的学习更需要的不是头脑而是双手,经常按书中的指示进行示例性的操作,在学习 Vim 众多精致的技巧时,不要贪图一下子全都掌握,最好是看一条技巧后,马上在编辑器上进行操作,这样在以后实际的编辑操作时你的手指就会建立一种自然的反应而不是由头脑来搜索该使用哪一条操作技巧 。
It's a skill to use Vim more.Vim is not a knowledge. What we need more is not our brains, but our hands. We always follow the instructions in the book.For example, do not crave all the skills of Vim when learning many exquisite techniques.To master, it is best to look at a technique and then do it on the editor immediately.When editing, your fingers will create a natural response instead of searching for it by the head.Which operation skill. (2018-06-08, Python, 9501KB, 下载3次)


[电子书籍] 《Python+Cookbook》Third edition of Chinesev2

作者: David M. Beazley / Brian K. Jones 出版社: 人民邮电出版社 原作名: Python Cookbook 3rd Edtioni 译者: 陈舸 出版年: 2015-5-1 页数: 684 定价: 108.00元 装帧: 平装 ISBN: 9787115379597 《Python Cookbook(第3版)中文版》介绍了Python应用在各个领域中的一些使用技巧和方法,其主题涵盖了数据结构和算法,字符串和文本,数字、日期和时间,迭代器和生成器,文件和I/O,数据编码与处理,函数,类与对象,元编程,模块和包,网络和Web编程,并发,实用脚本和系统管理,测试、调试以及异常,C语言扩展等。
The Python Cookbook (Version 3) Chinese version introduces some tips and methods for using Python in various fields, covering topics such as data structures and algorithms, strings and text, numbers, dates and times, iterators, and builds File and I / O; Data Encoding and Processing; Functions; Classes and Objects; Meta-programming; Modules and Packages; Web and Web Programming; Concurrency; Utility Scripting and Systems Management; Testing; Debugging; Anomalies; (2018-01-25, Python, 1995KB, 下载12次)


[电子书籍] Python核心编程

pythoh 核心编程 对python的介绍 可用于自学
a electronic book of C (2017-10-25, Python, 5491KB, 下载8次)


[电子书籍] 《Python Cookbook》第三版中文v1.0.2

本书介绍了Python应用在各个领域中的一些使用技巧和方法,从最基本的字符、文件序列、字典和排序,到进阶的面向对象编程、数据库和数据持久化、 XML处理和Web编程,再到比较高级和抽象的描述符、装饰器、元类、迭代器和生成器,均有涉及。书中还介绍了一些第三方包和库的使用,包括 Twisted、GIL、PyWin32等。
This book introduces the Python application in various fields in the use of some skills and methods, from the most basic characters, file sequence, dictionary and sorting, to advanced object-oriented programming, database and data persistence, XML processing and Web programming, to more advanced and abstract descriptor, decorator, metaclass, iterators and generators, are involved. The book also describes the use of some third party packages and libraries, including Twisted, GIL, PyWin32 and so on. (2017-10-14, Python, 2913KB, 下载9次)


[电子书籍] python核心编程(第二版)

Python是一种面向对象的编程语言。其特点是高级、面向对象、可升级、可扩展、可移植、易学易读、易维护、健壮性、具有高效的快速 原型开发工具、内存管理器、解释性和(字节)编译性。
Python is an object-oriented programming language. Characterized by high-level, object-oriented, scalable, extensible, portable, easy to learn, easy to read, easy to maintain, robustness, efficiency of rapid prototyping tools, the memory manager, explanatory and compile (bytes). (2017-07-19, Python, 4890KB, 下载8次)
