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[模式识别(视觉/语音等)] gtm-server-client-custom-event-parser

Google Tag Manager服务器端的此客户端模板接受传入的GET或POST请求,提取...
This client template for Google Tag Manager Server-Side takes an incoming GET or POST request, extracts information from the query string, headers, IP, request body, and cookies and returns the data to the server container as an event object. It is vendor agnostic and can handle any tracking request. (2022-04-30, Smarty, 18KB, 下载0次)


[模式识别(视觉/语音等)] container-node_exporter-textfiles

容器映像,用于由prometheus node_exporter收集的易于运行的文本文件导出器脚本。
Container Image for easily running textfile exporter scripts to be collected by the prometheus node_exporter. (2023-03-09, Smarty, 20KB, 下载0次)
