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[Internet/IE编程] 可以下载任何网站视频

可以下载任何网站视频,浏览器插件,拖入就可以用 (2022-07-12, HTML, 2951KB, 下载0次)


[Internet/IE编程] vrpie

vrpie IE浏览,用于在浏览器中查看vrp的插件
vrpie IE browser plug-ins for the browser to view vrp (2013-04-16, HTML, 1722KB, 下载3次)


[Internet/IE编程] 2012riqidaima

A lot of code in Firefox and Apple January 2012 X X is displayed as 112 years X months X this error, this code is compatible with a date code of multiple browsers IE, Firefox, Apple testing the theory basic pass to kill a. (2012-07-12, HTML, 2KB, 下载3次)


[Internet/IE编程] Dialog

[强烈推荐] 超漂亮的仿腾讯弹出框效果(兼容主流浏览器).这个效果是我收集的,测试无误
[Strongly recommended] super nice pop-up box Tencent imitation effects (compatible with mainstream browsers). This effect is my collection, testing, correct (2010-01-11, HTML, 183KB, 下载29次)


[Internet/IE编程] html

此源码是使用Cell插件设计的经营许可证副本套打示例和城镇职工基本医疗保险专用收据单的套打示例,需要安装用友华表软件技术有限公司的Cell插件后才能正常观看,请先下载Cell插件。 Cell网站: http://www.cellsoft.cc/Cell/index.asp cell插件下载地址: http://www.cellsoft.cc/cell/down_list.asp 产品概述: Cell 插件用于开发B/S结构程序,使用Asp, Asp.net, Jsp, Vbs cript, Javas cript等语言开发,可以在浏览器中直接打印报表(非IE打印),带有国际化数字签名,让用户使用更方便,更安全。 · 具备Cell组件的所有特色功能,在浏览器中提供报表的显示和打印(非IE的打印) · 网络报表界面美观,大大改善了浏览器中报表的输出效果 · 带有国际化数字签名,让用户使用的更安全、更放心 · 可将报表文件另存为华表文件或者Excel文件,从而可以进行进一步加工 · 支持ASP、ASP.Net、JSP、VBs cript、Javas cript等语言开发 在开发工具中将Cell插件引入至工程,然后将Cell插件拖至页面中即可开始报表设计。
This source is the use of plug-Cell design套打sample copy of business license and basic medical insurance list of dedicated receipts套打example, need to install software UFIDA Hua Technology Co., Ltd. Table of Cell can plug a normal watch, please first download the plug-Cell. Cell Website: http://www.cellsoft.cc/Cell/index.asp cell plug-ins to download Address: http://www.cellsoft.cc/cell/down_list.asp (2008-09-05, HTML, 8KB, 下载23次)


[Internet/IE编程] emv

js code page player (2008-08-12, HTML, 2125KB, 下载33次)
