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[VC书籍] Window

Window 消息大全使用详解 消息,就是指Windows发出的一个通知,告诉应用程序某个事情发生了。消息本身是作为一个记录传递给应用程序的,这个记录中包含了消息的类型以及其他信息。
Window message Guinness explain the use of information refers to Windows issued a notice to tell the application a happened. Message itself is recorded as a pass to the application, the record contains the type of news and other information. (2008-05-22, MultiPlatform, 12KB, 下载5次)


[VC书籍] DSPSoftwareAndHardwareDocuments

论文题目:基于数字信号处理器(DSP)的异步电机直接转矩控制研究 其中有软件的设计文档,包括上位机软件和下位机软件。上位机用VC6开发,下位机使用DSP汇编。另外还包括了硬件的设计文档。
Thesis topic : Based on Digital Signal Processor (DSP) asynchronous motor direct torque control which software design documentation, including PC software, and lower software. PC using VC6 development, the next crew to use DSP Series. It also includes a hardware design files. (2007-06-19, MultiPlatform, 1365KB, 下载631次)


[VC书籍] EiC_4.3.3.tar

这是又一个C语言解释器, 我们可以方便地扩展其功能, 并将其用于我们的工作中
This also a C language interpreter, we can easily expand its functions, and used in our work (2007-05-15, MultiPlatform, 609KB, 下载92次)
