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按分类查找All Ftp服务器(2) 
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[Ftp服务器] FTP_TFTP

FTP and TFTP server-side agreements to achieve, for those who need it the next. (2008-11-28, MultiPlatform, 545KB, 下载57次)


[Ftp服务器] FTP_server

共享下载站,即我们所说的FTP服务器,FTP是英文File Transfer Protocol的缩写,中文意思是文件传输协议。用户通过FTP协议能够在两台联网的计算机之间相互传递文件,它是互联网上载递文件最主要的方法。 本附件将详细介绍架设ftp服务器的步骤与方法,还有遇到的问题和问题的处理。
Sharing download station, that is, we are talking about FTP server, FTP is the English acronym for File Transfer Protocol, the Chinese meant that file transfer protocol. Users through the FTP protocol to two networked computers transfer files between, it is uploaded onto the Internet the most important methods of document delivery. Of this Annex will describe in more detail the steps to set up ftp server and methods, there are problems and deal with the problem. (2008-02-15, MultiPlatform, 347KB, 下载14次)
