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按分类查找All ICQ/即时通讯(2) 
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[ICQ/即时通讯] skyJnet

类似QQ的聊天室源代码 包含客户点和服务器代码, 功能比较不错 适合研究使用
QQ chat room similar to the source code contains the client and server code, functions well suited to examine the use of (2008-06-16, MultiPlatform, 5310KB, 下载19次)


[ICQ/即时通讯] linqt-2.8.3

MyICQ is set of public sources codes immediate communication software, including the server end and the customer end, may use in the Internet or the local area network. May move in Windows or Linux (KDE/Qt) on the operating system. At present the customer end procedure contact surface completely imitates leaps the news QQ. (2004-06-28, MultiPlatform, 414KB, 下载604次)
