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[建站系统] nav

网址导航模板 - 这是一个通用的网址导航模板,任何类型的网站都可以拿去使用。此网址导航页面是使用 GenEasy 文档生成工具 + WebStack 模板创建的静态页面,托管在 GitHub Pages 服务器上面。例子: [https...](https: zh.pipecraft.net )
URL navigation template - This is a general URL navigation template that can be used by any type of website. This website navigation page is a static page created by using GenEasy document generation tool+WebStack template and hosted on GitHub Pages server. Example: [https...] (https: zh. pipecraft. net) (2023-05-29, Handlebars, 11KB, 下载0次)
