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按分类查找All 其他书籍(15) 
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[其他书籍] electronic-system

a model of the biological olfactory system, analysis, identification and detection system of complex odors and volatile components of electronic nose emerge as the times require. Mainly by the gas sampling system, sensor array, signal conditioning circuit and data acquisition card. (2014-03-01, C++, 5910KB, 下载6次)


[其他书籍] OV3640_C

OV3640 寄存器文档 PDF格式 OV3640 寄存器文档 PDF格式
OV3640 寄存器文档 PDF格式 OV3640 寄存器文档 PDF格式 (2013-02-25, C++, 861KB, 下载16次)


[其他书籍] CppPrimer

讲述C++的书非常多并且不乏优秀和经典之作在如此众多的C++书籍中本书仍具有不可替代的地位我想主要的原因在于本书具有以下几个特色:许多实际的范例程序、与编译器无关遵从C++标准、配套的练习。 阅读本书不需要具备C 语言的知识但是熟悉某些现代的结构化语言会使学习进展更快一些本书的意图是作为学习C++的第一本书而不是学习程序设计的第一本书为
About C++ books are many and no lack of excellent and classic in so many C++ books, the book still has an irreplaceable position I think the main reason is that the book has the following characteristics: a number of practical examples of programs, and compile follow-independent C++ standards, supporting the practice. Read this book with C language does not require knowledge of the structure, but are familiar with some of the modern language will make faster progress in learning the book is intended to be the first to learn C++ programming book, rather than learning for the first book (2011-01-11, C++, 3929KB, 下载2次)


[其他书籍] hhhhh

The clock is developed in assembly language for 8086 chips and creativity. Not only can serve as a clock, but also as a timer, with eight different times of the timing, in the regular time of arrival, you can to the appropriate port output high (2009-12-31, C++, 66KB, 下载5次)


[其他书籍] datastructure

This information is described in detail the data structure, algorithms and computing devices (2009-12-10, C++, 1240KB, 下载3次)


[其他书籍] wsnSimilation

本文的主要内容是对无线传感器网络的路由协议的设计,无线传感器网络 节点数量庞大、单个节点资源极其有限,其路由协议设计的首要目标是有效节 约能源,延长网络生命周期。作者分析和比较了国外提出的几种针对无线传感 器网络的路由协议,并借鉴其中的优秀思想,设计出一种基于协商机制的能源 有效性路由协议――NBEERP。
The main contents of this article is a wireless sensor network routing protocol design, wireless sensor network node large number of extremely limited resources to a single node, the routing protocol s overriding objective is to design an effective energy conservation, to extend the network life cycle. Authors analyzed and compared to several foreign countries for wireless sensor network routing protocols, and learn from one of the best ideas, design a consultative mechanism on energy effectiveness of routing protocols- NBEERP. (2009-01-05, C++, 1821KB, 下载80次)


[其他书籍] CICS

IBM CICS 交易中间件教材 在CICS应用服务器端,采用嵌入式SQL(E-SQL)编程和各种数据库进行连接。第六章同时详细介绍了DB2、SYBASE、ORACLE、INFORMIX等数据库的嵌入式SQL编程,即使您不使用CICS,这也是一个很好的参考。 介绍了对CICS进行性能调优的方法以及一些参考数据,您可以根据您的系统需求来选择合适的硬件环境,满足对性能的需求
IBM CICS Transaction Middleware materials in the CICS application server side, using embedded SQL (E-SQL) programming and a variety of database connections. Chapter VI at the same time detailed information on DB2, SYBASE, ORACLE, INFORMIX, such as embedded SQL database programming, even if you do not use CICS, this is also a good reference. CICS introduced the method to carry out performance tuning as well as some reference data, you can according to your system needs to choose a suitable hardware environment, and to meet the performance needs of (2008-11-18, C++, 1551KB, 下载40次)


[其他书籍] wsn1

Positioning technology in the wireless sensor network applications, a very good article, you can download (2008-11-03, C++, 125KB, 下载24次)


[其他书籍] CppNetworkProgramVol_2

本书讲述的内容是:如何用C++和中间件来解决网络应用程序开发中相关的重要课题。首先回顾主流OS平台本身具有的核心OS机制,并阐释如何在ACE中运用C++和模式,将这些机制封装到类库(class library)wrapper facade之中,从而提高应用程序的可移植性和健壮性。本书用到的主要例子是一个网络日志服务程序,其功能是:通过TCP/IP,将日志记录从客户程序传输到一个日志服务器。
About the contents of this book is: How do C++ And middleware to address the development of web applications related to an important subject. Recalling the first mainstream OS platform itself is the core OS mechanism, and explain how the use of ACE in C++ And models of these mechanisms to the library package (class library) wrapper facade, and so as to enhance the application can be transplanted and robustness. The book s main example used is a Web log service procedures, and its function is to: The TCP/IP, the log records from the client transferred to a log server. (2008-09-14, C++, 2199KB, 下载36次)


[其他书籍] CppNetworkProgramVol_1

本书讲述的内容是:如何用C++和中间件来解决网络应用程序开发中相关的重要课题。首先回顾主流OS平台本身具有的核心OS机制,并阐释如何在ACE中运用C++和模式,将这些机制封装到类库(class library)wrapper facade之中,从而提高应用程序的可移植性和健壮性。本书用到的主要例子是一个网络日志服务程序,其功能是:通过TCP/IP,将日志记录从客户程序传输到一个日志服务器。
About the contents of this book is: How do C++ And middleware to address the development of web applications related to an important subject. Recalling the first mainstream OS platform itself is the core OS mechanism, and explain how the use of ACE in C++ And models of these mechanisms to the library package (class library) wrapper facade, and so as to enhance the application can be transplanted and robustness. The book s main example used is a Web log service procedures, and its function is to: The TCP/IP, the log records from the client transferred to a log server. (2008-09-14, C++, 2343KB, 下载45次)


[其他书籍] CRC

三种分别适应不同计算机或微控制器硬件环境的C 语言程序.
Three, respectively, to adapt to different computer or microcontroller hardware environment of the C language program. (2008-06-10, C++, 27KB, 下载10次)


[其他书籍] gfdgfdfd

带通滤波器的计算新思路, 巴特沃斯低通滤波器原理及设计
Calculation of band-pass filter new ideas, Butterworth low-pass filter theory and design (2008-04-11, C++, 139KB, 下载93次)


[其他书籍] InsidetheCppObjectModel

the world's first C compiler Lippman had one of the authors of the "in-depth Object Model C" English, Readers can enhance the bottom of the C language understanding of the mechanism, to write more efficient, safer code. (2006-08-30, C++, 653KB, 下载44次)


[其他书籍] fractal_art

fractal theory and algorithms, on the very comprehensive, with many algorithm code, introduced fractint Fractal Generator related content, very good (2005-05-07, C++, 7681KB, 下载151次)


[其他书籍] audio1

symbian,uiq 2.0以上平台运行,编译器用code warrior. 实现了如何播放声音。在诺基亚6600上可以运行。
football scores, UIQ 2.0 platform running over, the Formosan compiler code warrior. Realizing how to play a sound. The Nokia 6600 can run. (2005-03-25, C++, 24KB, 下载22次)
