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[内容生成] ONLINE-SHOPPING-e-Commerce

E-commerce Website Led the development of a feature-rich e-commerce website from conception to deployment, incorporating user authentication, product categorization (cloth, shoe, watch), and payment processing functionalities. Implemented responsive design principles to ensure compatibility across various devices and browsers, enhancing the user (2024-03-21, ASP.NET, 0KB, 下载0次)


[内容生成] 2D-Platformer

我在Unity Engine上尝试的第一个游戏。它是在教程的帮助下在2D环境中创建的平台生成器,我添加了一些修改...,
First game I tried on Unity Engine. It is a platformer created in a 2D environment with the help of a tutorial and I added few modifications of my own (2023-10-06, ASP.NET, 0KB, 下载0次)


[内容生成] AudioFractalVisualizer

University project to create something beautiful and mathematical at the same time! Mandelbrot Quaternion and MandelBulb Visualizer! Learned writing HLSL shaders in unity and how to control audio input from microphone. (2023-08-23, ASP.NET, 0KB, 下载0次)
