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[嵌入式Linux] Environmental_sensors

环境传感器单元,使用树莓PI Pico W、AHT21+ENS160和BME280收集温度、湿度、大气压力、TVOC和ECO2数据。包括定制CNC铣削PCB和3D打印外壳。托管本地网页,并每隔一段时间将数据发送到thingspeak页面。
A environmental sensors unit that collects temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, TVOC & ECO2 data, using a Raspberry PI Pico W, AHT21+ENS160 & BME280. Includes custom CNC milled PCB & 3D-printed case. Hosts a local webpage and sends data to a thingspeak page at a interval. (2024-05-01, G-code, 0KB, 下载0次)
