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[系统设计方案] 20040511181824931123122

图书管理 1.将各个项目子目录拷贝到硬盘上,然后可以用Visual Basic打开程序。 2.在每个项目子目录里面的sql目录里,将后缀.sql的文件打开后,拷贝到SQL Server 2000的查询分析器里。然后执行将产生需要的数据库结构。
management of a library. All projects will subdirectory copy to the hard drive, which can then be opened in Visual Basic procedures. 2. Each item inside the subdirectory sql directory of extensions. Sql open the document, copies of SQL Server 2000 inquiries analyzer Lane. Then needs arising from the implementation of the database structure. (2005-05-04, VFP, 45KB, 下载8次)
