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按分类查找All C#编程(4) 
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[C#编程] SQLServer2008-connectivity

Enable the SQL Server server-side client connectivity. (2012-08-18, SQL, 346KB, 下载9次)


[C#编程] dormitory-management-system

Based on NET platform using C# to complete the simulation of PDA. Daily dormitory check work completed on the PDA side, and the daily score file stream passed to the computer, the server side to receive the database and insert it into your own database, and will be calculated in the first day of each month good star table passed to the PDA. Can be found in the PDA daily scores of all quarters, and the monthly star the same query on the server side, and can be found in the specific circumstances of the members of each dormitory (2012-07-03, SQL, 445KB, 下载5次)


[C#编程] 5.0-brush-silver

数据库修改器 可修改账号 角色资料
Blood river s lake database modifier can modify account role material (2011-08-29, SQL, 86KB, 下载3次)


[C#编程] cal

用C sharp编写的简单计算器。大家看看有什么问题,功能上我会再改进的。
With a simple calculator written in C sharp. We see what the problem, I will function improved. (2010-10-03, SQL, 13KB, 下载5次)
