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按分类查找All 教育系统应用(6) 
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[教育系统应用] 教学管理系统

Enterprise and database teaching management system homework, create CDM and PDM to generate SQL files and create trigger stored procedures (2018-11-07, SQL, 908KB, 下载3次)


[教育系统应用] job-database

University students employment guidance systems, can complete the most basic increase, delete, change, check and cascade deletion, contain triggers and stored procedures. (2015-07-01, SQL, 116KB, 下载4次)


[教育系统应用] DB

建立基本的学生数据库表 C,SC,S等 包括触发器完成成绩自动生成的功能
Students establish the basic table SQL statements (2015-06-23, SQL, 1KB, 下载1次)


[教育系统应用] sql

Many queries the database table of students, curriculum, teachers table: a variety of add, delete, query, triggers, etc. (2012-06-18, SQL, 19370KB, 下载7次)


[教育系统应用] 11shujuku

The sqlsever2000 library management system running under, including a number of triggers and stored procedures, etc. (2010-03-07, SQL, 4KB, 下载4次)


[教育系统应用] chufaqi

图书馆有时会对某图书的复本量进行更新,如增购某图书 -- 复本,或因各种原因导致某图书丢失部分复本。复本量的更改直接导致库 -- 存量的改变,但为了不因误操作破坏数据完整性,我们不能对库存量直接 -- 修改,可以通过触发器,监测复本量的改变,自动修改库存量,这就可以 -- 用到对选定列的更新进行监测的方法。
Library books sometimes have a copy of the volume of updates, such as the purchase of a book- a copy of, or for various reasons leading to the loss of part of a copy of a book. A copy of a direct result of changes in the volume of the Treasury- the stock of the changes, but in order not to damage due to misoperation data integrity, we can not directly on the stock- to amend, you can flip-flop, monitoring changes in the volume of copy, automatic modification inventory levels, which can- to use an updated list of selected monitoring methods. (2007-12-16, SQL, 1KB, 下载1次)
