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[其他书籍] oracletriggerprogramming

oracle triggers and stored procedures programming tutorials, English e-books (the book has been out of print and no longer version) (2010-12-12, SQL, 1234KB, 下载3次)


[其他书籍] sql200jiaocai

sql2000 teaching materials, teaching materials described in detail in sql2000 functions, data development and management server (2010-03-23, SQL, 6479KB, 下载1次)


[其他书籍] SQL_Grammar

Learn how to use SQL to carry out programming, how to build stored procedures, triggers, and an implementation plan. (2010-02-26, SQL, 133KB, 下载3次)


[其他书籍] Net_Server

To build personal server, graphic books, pdf version, explained in detail the structures of individual servers and applications. (2010-02-01, SQL, 14003KB, 下载7次)


[其他书籍] MySQL_5.1_zh

At present in the small servers are basically used in MYSQL, which is a flat on the MYSQL database, translated chm. I was through self-learning. (2010-01-12, SQL, 2598KB, 下载3次)


[其他书籍] cuenchuguochenyuchufaqi

SQL2000 存储过程 与 触发器使用。
SQL2000 stored procedures and triggers. (2009-07-30, SQL, 391KB, 下载1次)


[其他书籍] createadatabase

在SQL Server 2000中建立数据库一、在SQL Server 2000中建立数据库 1.在SQL Server 2000中创建数据库 (1)打开SQL Server 2000的企业管理器,在数据库选项上单击右键,点击新建数据库。 (2)在新建数据库属性中设置数据库名称为sjk。 2.在SQL Server 2000中创建用户 (1)打开SQL Server 2000的企业管理器并打开安全性文件夹。 (2)在登录选项上单击右键打开新建登录属性,设置用户名为zl,身份验证选择SQL Server身份验证,然后输入密码,在下面的默认设置中设置用户默认数据库为sjk(第一步新建的数据库)。
In SQL Server 2000 to create a database in SQL Server 2000 to create a database 1. In SQL Server 2000 to create database (1) Open the SQL Server 2000' s Enterprise Manager, the database options on the right-click and click New Database . (2) in the new database set database name property for sjk. 2. In SQL Server 2000 to create user (1) Open the SQL Server 2000' s Enterprise Manager and open the Security folder. (2) Right-click on the Login option to open new log properties, set the user name zl, select SQL Server Authentication authentication, then enter the password, the default settings in the following user default database set up for sjk (the first step the new database). (2009-06-27, SQL, 5KB, 下载1次)


[其他书籍] sql_Jiaocheng

SQL Server 2000是Microsoft公司最新推出的大型数据库管理系统,它建立在成熟而强大的关系模型基础上,可以很好地支持客户机/服务器网络模式,能够满足各种类型的企事业单位对构建网络数据库的需求,并且在易用性、可扩展性、可靠性以及数据仓库等方面确立了世界领先的地位,是目前各级各类学校学习大型数据库管理系统的首选教材。
SQL Server 2000 is Microsoft (2008-11-02, SQL, 4888KB, 下载3次)


[其他书籍] csdn_sql

CSDN上的优秀SQL编程代码集 这些SQL语句不是原创,均是本人从CSND上收集来的。由于时间关系,其中少量SQL语句的确性没有验证。 本文档对初学SQL Server的人很有帮助,其内容涵盖了触发器、作业、角色、备份还原、导入导出、游标、安全、索引排序、日期操作、XML、统计、交叉表、文件存储、分页、等等
CSDN excellent SQL programming code set these SQL statements are not original, are I learned from the CSND collected. Because of the time, in which a small amount of SQL statements is true of the absence of a certification. This document for beginner SQL Server people helpful, its content covers the trigger, operations, roles, backup and restore, import, export, cursor, security, index to sort, date operations, XML, statistics, cross-tables, file storage, paging, etc. (2008-10-08, SQL, 555KB, 下载33次)


[其他书籍] SQLSERVER200tujiejiaocheng

sqlserver graphic tutorials, more comprehensive, from the components, management servers, database management, introduce the mainstream SQL technology applications (2008-09-30, SQL, 15090KB, 下载32次)
