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[数据结构] OMNO2_data_product_specification

OMI卫星传感器的对二氧化氮的反演产品,该手册针对的是level 2级别的产品,对该产品的数据结构和算法做了详细介绍。
This is the product of the satellite sensor called OMI, and is a retreived product of nitrogen dioxide (NO2). The manual is for level 2 level products. And the product' s data structures and algorithms are introduced in detail. (2014-12-11, PDF, 291KB, 下载4次)


[数据结构] C

Tsinghua University, Yan Wei-min exercise set data structure (C version) is the PDF format, the need for PDF reader (2007-12-16, PDF, 4594KB, 下载314次)
