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[OpenGL] e-le-ar-s-te-n-tu-th-in-e

核蒸汽轮机动态建模时, 为了使再热器的动态数学模型比较全面、合理, 必须准确地计算管外循 环蒸汽、管内加热蒸汽和金属管壁三者之间的换热量
Dynamic modeling of nuclear steam turbine, in order to enable the dynamic mathematical model of the reheater more comprehensive and reasonable outer loop steam pipe must be accurately calculated, the amount of heat exchange between the heating steam and the metal wall of the three inner tube (2013-04-17, WORD, 357KB, 下载5次)


[OpenGL] UniscopeServerUserNotebook

At present, 3-D field of a dark horse, the company introduced satellite earth Uniscope, unique in the network, regardless of the speed of performance are outstanding, the document is the software tool for the use of server-side documents. (2009-08-09, WORD, 1215KB, 下载12次)
