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[教育系统应用] zhuanyekechengsheji

车辆工程课程设计 专业课程设计 变速器 说明书加全套图纸
Vehicle engineering curriculum design curriculum design transmission manual plus a full set of drawings (2013-05-18, WORD, 1415KB, 下载1次)


[教育系统应用] ASDFADF

(1)能按学期、按班级完成对学生成绩的录入。 (2)能按班级统计学生的成绩,求学生的总分及平均分,并能根据学生的平均成绩进行排序 (3)能查询学生成绩,不及格科目及学生名单 (4)能按班级输出学生的成绩单 (5)能按学号删除学生纪录,成绩等。 (6)将学生的学号、姓名及各门课程的成绩等信息保存于外部存储器的文件中。
(1) semester, the class to complete the entry of student achievement. (2) total score and the average class statistics student achievement, seeking students, and according to the average score of the students to sort (3) to check student achievement, failing subjects and the list of students (4) can be output according to the class student' s transcript (5) Student ID to delete a student record results. (6) the student' s student number, name and course performance information stored in external memory file. (2012-06-04, WORD, 15KB, 下载5次)


[教育系统应用] new

Physical Properties of Metal Materials (2011-02-17, WORD, 9KB, 下载5次)


[教育系统应用] GAOPIN)

High-frequency sine wave generator of the course design, communication, electronic circuits, ewb Simulation (2009-07-13, WORD, 266KB, 下载7次)


[教育系统应用] zikong

Automatic Control of the curriculum design, two-stage system design and calibration (matlab program) (2009-01-11, WORD, 88KB, 下载13次)


[教育系统应用] sjjg

数据结构 课程设计 图形界面 设计报告 文本编辑器
Data structure course design graphical interface design report text editor (2008-12-28, WORD, 31KB, 下载8次)


[教育系统应用] 555

本次课程设计是设计一个具有长时间定时(1小时以上)的电路。该电路的核心部分有2部分 ,一是可调占空比的方波发生器电路;另一个是时间控制电路。这两部分应用的主要元件都是555定时器,可调占空比的方波发生器电路是应用555定时器连接的多谐振荡器,时间控制电路是应用555定时器连接的单稳态触发器。该长时间定时器设计思路清晰,电路连接简单,性价比高,有很大的实用价值。
The curriculum design is to design a long period of time from time to time (1 hour or more) circuit. The circuit is the core of the 2 parts, an adjustable duty cycle square wave generator circuit the other is the time control circuit. Application of these two parts of the main components are 555 timer, an adjustable duty cycle square wave generator is the application of 555 timer circuit connected Multivibrator, time control circuit is connected to the application of 555 timer monostable trigger browser. The long timer clear design, circuit connectivity is simple, cost-effective, there are great practical value. (2008-12-25, WORD, 41KB, 下载51次)


[教育系统应用] kaitibaogao

毕业设计的开题 报告写法教你如何正确书写开题报告,来源与老师的范文哦
Graduated from the opening title design report written teach you how to write correct title to open the report, sources with the teacher s Van Oh (2008-01-26, WORD, 14KB, 下载87次)
