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[嵌入式Linux] Research-on-web-server-thttpd

Research and implement on embedded web server thttpd under linux (2013-08-19, WORD, 114KB, 下载3次)


[嵌入式Linux] servfox-analysis

Engage in a period of acquisition and transmission of embedded network video capture video, basically on the server side the servfox package, it can be compiled with arm-linux - gcc ported to the development board, I have been doing in this areawork is on S3C2410 board, open source is very good, I feel that the necessary depth to understand and learn about its source, generally do not have a detailed description of its online, only a brief introduction to how it, asI had just started to learn embedded, like to see do not understand this process, each code for a detailed explanation, later forgotten, and also hope to help the novice. (2012-03-15, WORD, 25KB, 下载25次)


[嵌入式Linux] S3C2440Bootloader

结合嵌入式Linux系统的引导程序,重点分析了基于ARM处理器的嵌入式Bootloader总体框架,设计出了基于“NAND Flash +SDRAM”存储方式的Bootloader,并对SDRAM的地址进行测试,结果表明此Bootloader灵活高效。
Embedded Linux system with the boot process, focusing on analysis of embedded processors based on ARM Bootloader general framework, designed based on " NAND Flash+ SDRAM" stored in the Bootloader, and the address of SDRAM test results show that the Bootloader flexible and efficient. (2010-12-09, WORD, 18KB, 下载3次)


[嵌入式Linux] Embedded-Linux-for-Blackfin

Uclinux是当前广泛应用的一种嵌入式Linux操作系统,是一个完全符合GNU/GPL公约的项目,与UNIX完全兼容,完全开放源码。英文单词中u表示Micro,c表示control,所以Uclinux的意思是“微控制领域的Linux系统”。 Uclinux针对嵌入式应用的特点,对Linux的内核(所用版本为linux2.6)进行了修改和重新编译,其大小远小于原来。它包含Linux常用的API,保留了原来Linux操作系统具有的高稳定性、强大的网络功能和卓越的文件系统支持功能等优点。 Blackfin系列DSP是ADI公司推出的高性能,低功耗的新一代DSP处理器,融合了Analog Devices/Intel的微信号结构(MSA),其应用范围广泛,包括汽车图像系统,宽带无线系统,多媒体消费电子产品,数字视频录像机,安防与监控,机顶盒和视频会议等。
err (2008-09-29, WORD, 109KB, 下载42次)


[嵌入式Linux] S3C2440

S3C2440A frequency up to 400MHz, up to 533MHz, low-power, high performance, suitable for PDA, portable media players, satellite navigator, such as multimedia terminals. The chip is currently the main push SAMSUNG embedded ARM processor, the market a large number of products using the chip, cost-effective, long product life. (2007-12-12, WORD, 33KB, 下载22次)


[嵌入式Linux] S3C2410test

本文研究了在目前流行的嵌入式微控制器ARM9(Samsung 的 S3C2410)上硬件测试的方法。分析了在嵌入式Linux基础上开发测试程序的基本方法,解决了在S3C2410开发板测试GPIO、中断、串口和RTC时钟过程中的重点和难点问题。
In this paper, in the current popular microcontroller embedded ARM9 (Samsung (2007-08-17, WORD, 579KB, 下载203次)


[嵌入式Linux] s3c2410anddriveremigrate

the compressed files of documents detailed records of the embedded processor based on the linux s3c2410 kernel (the official version 2 .6.14) transplantation process, as well as the camera transplant, TL-WN321G wireless card transplant detailed steps. This is my practice experience (2007-06-15, WORD, 14KB, 下载243次)
