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[数据结构] xaiio-sireen

一种基于预测PI控制器的自相似网络主动队列管理算法 (2018-05-25, WORD, 350KB, 下载0次)


[数据结构] wenjianjiadadaoqi

数据结构 文件夹打包器 北京邮电大学计算机学院大二期末数据结构与算法课作业
Packaged device data structure folder of Computer Science, Beijing University of Posts and sophomore end of the data structures and algorithms Homework (2011-06-12, WORD, 10KB, 下载3次)


[数据结构] shiguerchashu

In recent years, computer-aided fault tree analysis methods have developed rapidly, the new algorithm is constantly being raised. In this paper, under the "Data structure" [1] in the binary tree algorithm, combined with the characteristics of the accident tree algorithm is proposed binary tree algorithm for the accident. Through the establishment of an accident and the use of binary tree described in this article a series of incidents binary tree algorithm, not only can easily achieve the qualitative analysis of fault tree minimal cut sets and path sets the best solution, and the achievement of the quantitative analysis of fault tree top event probability, the probability of basic event importance degree and the critical importance degree of the solution, but also enables computer-aided fault tree drawing, the coordinates of computational problems. The algorithm is a fault tree algorithm useful complement and development of practical significance and broad application prospects. (2009-10-29, WORD, 5KB, 下载45次)
