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[Linux/Unix编程] Linux--server-c--api

Linux服务器上的黑名单 一 环境配置 二.C API 连接数据库 三Tcp IP传输
Linux服务器上的黑名单 一 环境配置 二.C API 连接数据库 三Tcp IP传输 (2014-11-22, WORD, 11KB, 下载2次)


[Linux/Unix编程] Apach-in-Linux-on-the-transplant

Apache is Linux under common server, document describes in detail the apach server in the Linux in the transplant process. (2013-07-07, WORD, 7KB, 下载4次)


[Linux/Unix编程] Linux

This is a package about what i learn during the training.They are somgthing about Linux, including the basic command, the usage about gcc complier and the makefile function.Now it is just a part of all the linux knowledge,in the future, i will bring more here. (2012-06-27, WORD, 9301KB, 下载4次)


[Linux/Unix编程] GDB_is_not_entirely_manual

GDB不完全手册: GDB即GNU Debuger,是GNU下的调试器.主要是用在linux下面。但是也有人把它移植到Win32平台上面,这样我们常常在Windows下面的人也有机会接触到这个非常优秀的调试器。
GDB is not entirely manual: GDB is GNU Debuger, is under the GNU debugger. Is mainly used in linux below. But it was also ported to Win32 platform above, so we often Windows following people have access to this very good debugger. (2010-06-15, WORD, 20KB, 下载4次)


[Linux/Unix编程] Graphical_interface_under_Linux_mp3_player_to_achi

Graphical interface under Linux mp3 player to achieve, a good school design, a complete program to achieve both! (2010-06-07, WORD, 207KB, 下载40次)


[Linux/Unix编程] iptables_settings_based

iptables是针对Linux防火墙 netfilter的管理配置工具。在进行iptables防火墙设置前,必须打开系统内核的IP转发功能,使系统成为路由器。
iptables is the firewall for Linux netfilter configuration management tool. Before making iptables firewall settings, you must open the system kernel' s IP forwarding function, the system is a router. (2010-05-31, WORD, 17KB, 下载4次)


[Linux/Unix编程] smplayer_mplayer

This document tells you how to compile mplayer and smplayer to make them work properly. (2010-04-26, WORD, 3KB, 下载17次)


[Linux/Unix编程] I2C_device_driver_associated_with_the

In the Linux operating system, driver loading is divided into two kinds: the kernel loading automatically at startup and user manual loading hardware devices can also be used to add to the system in two ways: In the system pre-boot and system run-time Hot Swap. Here, we arm under the at91-processor architecture in the I2C controller, for example, tell us about the hardware and associated driver is how to bind and remove their restrictions. (2010-01-20, WORD, 31KB, 下载57次)


[Linux/Unix编程] GoAhead

A detailed account of the embedded WEB server in the linux system to do the transplant and configuration: (2009-05-14, WORD, 6KB, 下载137次)


[Linux/Unix编程] PowerPC

On PowerPC processors and combine the advantages of Linux, but also about the core structure and PowePC405 real-time Linux in two ways. (2009-04-30, WORD, 21KB, 下载16次)


[Linux/Unix编程] linixshiyanbaogao

UNIX基础知识实践实验报告 1. 实验目的 通过本实验linux系统基本命令、vi编辑器的使用,熟悉文件系统的基本命令。
Basic knowledge of UNIX experimental practice 1. Experimental purposes in this experiment linux system through basic commands, vi editor use, familiar with the file system of the basic commands. (2008-06-15, WORD, 198KB, 下载10次)


[Linux/Unix编程] Linux-init

Linux的启动过程主要分成两个阶段:    1.启动内核。在这个阶段,内核装入内存并在初始化每个设备驱动器时打印信息。    2.执行程序init。装入内核并初始化设备后,运行init程序。init程序处理所有程序的启动,包括重要系统程序和其它指定在启动时装入的软件。
Linux (2008-03-05, WORD, 14KB, 下载16次)


[Linux/Unix编程] lcd_driver-framebuffer

本文研究论述了基于S3C2410 LCD控制器的Linux驱动程序设计与实现,介绍了S3C2410的LCD控制器的数据和控制管脚,并给出了LCD的控制流程和LCD的控制器设置规则,参照TFT-LCD LQ092Y3DG01的逻辑要求和时序要求设计了其驱动电路,设置了主要LCD寄存器;论述了在嵌入式Linux中基于FrameBuffer机制的LCD驱动程序的实现方法。主要研究了Linux帧缓冲设备驱动程序框架,详细分析了帧缓冲设备驱动程序层次结构、核心功能模块和数据结构,设计了FrameBuffer的处理机制以及底层驱动的接口函数针对具体的LCD面板如何在嵌入式Linux中编写帧缓冲设备的驱动程序。最后在FrameBuffer机制的基础上,基于三星公司S3C2410处理器的开发平台系统地开发了嵌入式Linux下的LCD显示驱动程序,实现了简单的嵌入式GUI图形API的设计,并在LQ092Y3DG01上显示了清晰稳定的图像和汉字。测试表明该驱动通用性好,能驱动大部分的LCD;可移植性强,经过少许修改即可应用在其他嵌入式系统中,是S3C2410驱动LCD的一套较佳的解决方案 (2007-08-17, WORD, 151KB, 下载602次)


[Linux/Unix编程] TheImplementationOfSMPInLinux

SMP-- symmetric multi-processing architecture has brought a lot of single processor system does not encounter problems, The new version of linux have joined to support SMP system, This paper discusses the SMP system and the various issues, and through the analysis of the source code on linux under SMP realized. (2007-05-13, WORD, 226KB, 下载106次)
