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[其他书籍] JavaScript

This book a comprehensive introduction to the core JavaScript language, as well as Web browsers and standards to achieve the legacy DOM. It uses a number of complex examples of how to deal with form data validation, use the cookie, creating portable DHTML animations and other common tasks (2010-03-08, JavaScript, 19413KB, 下载4次)


[其他书籍] WinScripts

Microsoft 功能强大的脚本编写语言是专为 Internet 而设计的。JScript.NET 是 Microsoft ECMA 262 语言的下一代实施产品。与 ECMAScript Edition 4 一起开发的、JScript.NET 中的改进功能包括了准确编译的代码、类型与无类型的变量、类(内含继承、函数重载、属性访问器等等)、包、跨语言支持,以及对 .NET 框架的访问。
Microsoft a powerful scripting language designed specifically for the Internet. JScript.NET is the next generation of Microsoft ECMA 262 language implementation of the product. With the ECMAScript Edition 4 together with the development, JScript.NET the improvements include an accurate compilation of the code, type and no type of variable, classes (includes inheritance, function overloading, property accessors, etc.), packages, cross-language support, as well. NET Framework visit. (2009-12-26, JavaScript, 1373KB, 下载3次)


[其他书籍] javascript

非常好,非常详细的javascript教程 Javascript教程--从入门到精通【完整版】
Very good, very detailed tutorial javascript tutorial Javascript- from entry to master [完整版] (2008-11-16, JavaScript, 126KB, 下载53次)
