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[手机短信编程] CMS_Sys_Com

草根级单文件论坛,首页是左侧 置顶推荐栏目 精选文章推荐 会员中心 右侧论坛主栏目 论坛向导 统计中心 版块页 简易的搜索栏,编辑器 支持 收藏夹 好友首次 短信 自助权限服务 支持投票UBB 论坛积分值 贵宾权限
Grassroots-level single-file Forum Home is on the left top Recommend column Featured Posts Recommended Member The right of the main forum section Guide Forum Statistics Center Forum page simple search bar, Editor Support Favorites Friends first SMS self-service privileges Support UBB vote Forum integral value VIP privileges (2016-04-27, ASP, 13KB, 下载1次)


[手机短信编程] fj126_dx

Free use of API (Fetion) free mobile phone text messaging to small programs, anti-spam SMS can be set daily transmission times, local server and double check, you can also set the Master password is sent, you can send unlimited! (2016-04-24, ASP, 6KB, 下载1次)


[手机短信编程] sendmsgtomobile

可免费给你自己的手机发短信。利用该服务可进行日程提醒、服务器监控、报警、故障通知或短信自动控制等功能。 目前只支持开通中国移动飞信用户使用。 将sendmsgtomobile上传到贵站根目录中,在需要调用的业页中用.js调用即可。具体参照test.html
Available free of charge to your mobile phone text messaging. Use the service can schedule reminders, server monitoring, alarm, fault notification or SMS automatic control functions. Currently, only China Mobile launched Fetion users. The sendmsgtomobile upload Guizhan root directory in the industry with .js pages need to call to call. With specific reference to test.html (2016-04-24, ASP, 18KB, 下载1次)


[手机短信编程] very5

发表日记>>全能编辑器 个性日记背景 日记按日期自动归档 上传照片>>在线上传照片 在线拍照 相册分类 照片个性边框 空间管理>>标题,公告,空间音乐,空间分类 空间道具>>背景 皮肤 挂饰 书签 鼠标指针 短信管理>>收件箱 发件箱 写信 清空短信箱 好友管理>>在线状态 发送短信 上传文件管理>>存储空间信息 上传文件列表 个人息信>>上传头像 修改信息 修改密码
Published diary >> versatile editor personalized diary background diary automatically archived by date >> Upload photos upload photos online online pictures album category personalized photo frame Space Management >> title, announcement, space music, spatial classification Space props >> background skin ornaments bookmarks mouse pointer SMS Management >> Inbox outbox write Empty short mailbox Friends Management >> online send text messages >> Upload file management information storage upload the file list Personal information letter >> upload an avatar modification information modify passwords (2016-04-18, ASP, 5543KB, 下载1次)


[手机短信编程] ASPsendMsg

To achieve a free SMS to send the letter to fly, you must be a Chinese mobile phone users, and opened a flying letter function. You can modify several parameters of this source code into the server, you can send text messages on the site features. (2011-06-23, ASP, 1KB, 下载4次)


[手机短信编程] fj126_dx

The use of a free API (Fetion) send text messages to mobile phones free of small procedures, anti-spam text messages sent each day to set the number of servers and the local double check, you can set up head to send the password, you can send unlimited! (2009-05-13, ASP, 4KB, 下载48次)


[手机短信编程] SMSServerASP-1624

目前政府、企业信息化,对消息的获取提出了更加严格的要求,需要随时随地、不受空间、时间、地点的限制;要求主动获取消息,要求能在节省成本,同时保证信息安全,在这种情况下,本公司自行研制开发了基于Web方式的SMSServer短信消息平台管理方案。这个方案是采用无线GPRS/GSM Modem作为短信收发设备,并在此基础上开发了帝龙短信服务器软件和Web应用组件,支持JavaBean或COM调用方式,提供高可靠的扩展性,方便了政府、企业和软件开发商应用集成。
government, corporate information, the access to information of more stringent requirements, the need for anytime, anywhere, from space, time and location constraints; Active demand access to information requests in cost savings, while ensuring the security of information, Under such circumstances, The company developed its own Web-based information to the SMS platform SMSServer management programs. The program is the use of wireless GPRS/GSM Modem as SMS transceiver equipment, and on this basis the development of the Dili Lung messaging server software and Web application components, COM support JavaBean or call approach to the provision of highly reliable, scalable, convenience of the government, Enterprise software developers and application integration. (2007-01-19, ASP, 29KB, 下载48次)


[手机短信编程] Provision

mobile Provision by the ASP interface, enclosing Provision simulators, after a little adjustment can be used (2006-02-23, ASP, 183KB, 下载63次)
