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按分类查找All 视频捕捉采集剪辑(3) 
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[视频捕捉采集剪辑] 2016www.chaopeshipin.com-Max-X-Scms

Two sets of X Marks the source station, www.chaopeshipin.com night shot over the line and touch online video, mobile computer support online viewing, had been integrated CK broadcast, support mobile computer online viewing, backstage with the acquisition, the acquisition can be installed in the background (2016-07-19, ASP, 1777KB, 下载12次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] fullAvatarEditor-2.0

Rich UPLOAD Editor is a support for local uploading, you can preview, video camera, and network load flash picture editor to upload the plugin, you can zoom, crop, rotate, position and color, etc ... (2016-05-20, ASP, 823KB, 下载17次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] follow

Follow me超级电影小偷 V7.0绝对是目前全国功能最优秀的电影小偷 v7.0版本生成比旧版快一倍,电影也可以全屏,增加了播放页的广告,站长用户可以完全自己修改,并修改了可设置生成页数,大大减低了生成时服务器承受的压力.
Follow me super movie thieves V7.0 is currently the best feature film version of the thieves v7.0 generated twice as fast than the previous version, the film can also be full-screen, an increase of player-page ads, station users can complete their own changes and modify settings to generate the number of pages that can be greatly reduced when the server to generate the pressure. (2008-04-27, ASP, 2185KB, 下载99次)
