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[MySQL数据库] mysql_bakup_tool

支持MySQL数据按指定大小分卷备份和恢复 支持在线上传下载删除SQL文件 支持在线优化,修复,删除数据表 支持在线运行SQL语句或运行SQL文件 工具使用说明: 上传本目录至服务器,非Windows服务器请设置data目录属性为777[此目录为备份文件存储目录]。
Support MySQL data size specified sub-volume backup and recovery support online upload and download files to delete SQL support line optimization, repair, delete data table support online run SQL statements or run SQL file tool use: uploading to the server catalog, non Windows server data directory attributes set to 777 [this directory for the backup file storage directory]. (2016-07-01, ASP, 10KB, 下载1次)
