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[图片显示] picture

Image viewer, to achieve a picture Previous Next browse, zoom, full screen and other functions (2011-12-26, ASP, 1KB, 下载3次)


[图片显示] lx_photoshow

新锐领秀网络相册V1.1 程序功能: 1.无限分类 2.自动按指定的尺寸生成缩略图(需要服务器支持) 3.如果服务器不支持生成缩略图,则可以自己设置是否上传缩略图(为了更快浏览速度,我们建议您上传) 4.无组件上传功能 5.评论功能,可在后台设置是否开启评论 6.可在线修改网站名称,LOGO,banner,备案信息,缩略图大小等 7.删除记录时同时删除图片文件.大幅度减少垃圾文件 8.图片批量管理 9.评论批量管理
Receive cutting-edge Web Albums show V1.1 program features: 1. Unlimited Category 2. Automatically generated according to the specified thumbnail size (requires server support) 3. If the server does not support the generation of thumbnails, you can set whether or not upload their own thumbnails ( In order to speed faster browser, we recommend that you upload) 4. no upload feature components 5. comments feature is set to open in the background to comment 6. may amend the name of the site online, LOGO, banner, record information, the thumbnail size 7. Delete Record to delete the image file at the same time. significantly reduce the amount of waste paper 8. picture volume management 9. Comment volume management (2009-06-11, ASP, 633KB, 下载2次)


[图片显示] 1_3050_w

图表组件wsChart3.6资源介绍: 功能特点: 1、多种样式统计图表制作,包括柱状图,折线图,饼图,柏拉图等;2、输出多种格式文件,包括BMP,JPG,GIF等格式,输出质量自定义; 3、可在任意位置添加线条、文字、图片;4、可将统计结果直接输出到浏览器,包括BMP,JPG和GIF格式;5、柱状图表支持序列数据组比较;6、图表填充方式支持图片填充;7、数十个属性灵活控制图表布局和外观;8、组件用于WEB开发时只需要服务器端注册即可,无须客户端安装。9、性能稳定,消耗系统资极少,无内存泄wsChart v3.61、增加图表边框功能;2、增加任意位置输出图片,可控制透明度;3、修正图表输出格式为GIF时线条颜色失真的BUG;
chart components wsChart3.6 resources presentations : features : 1, a variety of styles produced statistical charts, including column, Plotting, pie, Plato; 2, a variety of output formats, including BMP, GIF, JPG format, the output from the definition of quality ; 3, in any position to add lines, text, photographs; 4, the results can be output directly to the browser, including BMP, JPG and GIF formats; 5, column sequence data support group; 6, charts support in the form of pictures filled filling; 7 several flexible control of 10 properties chart layout and appearance; 8, components for Web developers only need to be registered server, not the client installation. 9, stable performance, consume very little funding, no memory vent wsChart v3.61 increase charts frame function; 2, increasing (2005-03-31, ASP, 160KB, 下载47次)
