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[行业发展研究] v7695_i263bbs31

1.地址缩短,同时加密(更有利存取数据库之间的数据) 2.图片上传功能,使用了保密上传目录功能,就算被上传木马而不知道实际路径,木马就不起作用了,还有就是上传使用了会员积分上传,积分的数目由管理员在后台设置 3.图片使用了防盗链功能,外部连接图片也使用了简单的防盗功能,本地图片使用了流方式防盗链功能 4.增加了在线邮件发送功能,(该功能目前只应用两个地方,斑竹申请和举报贴吧,只要有会员提交了信息,系统会自动发提醒邮件给管理员,该功能可以在后台实现关闭或启用,要正常使用该功能,服务器必须安装jmail组件) 5.增加图片上传水印功能,(该功能可以在后台实现关闭或启用,同时可以在后台设置水印内容) 6.增加了随帖广告功能,无限量广告数目 7.后台管理员部分增加了多权限(注意:普通管理员只能访问部分管理页面) 8.增加了在后台设置管理后台地址,让你不用修改页面也能随意修改后台地址
1. Address shortened, encryption (better access to data between databases) 2. Photo upload function, the use of confidentiality upload directory functions, even upload Trojans were not aware that the actual path, the Trojans would be ineffective, there is the use of Member Upload integral upload 3. 4.(Penny applications and affixed to report it, as long as a Member of the information submitted, the system will automatically remind mail to administrators, the functions can be achieved in the background closed or open to use the normal functions of the server components must be installed jmail) 5. Watermark increase picture upload function (which features) 6. (2005-07-10, ASP, 1410KB, 下载25次)
