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按分类查找All Ajax(5) 
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[Ajax] pgrfilemanager2.1.0

PGRFileManager is a free (MIT License) based ajax file manager, supports add, move, rename, delete individual or multiple files and folders. For image files will automatically generate thumbnails, text files and can be used CKEditor FCKEdito editing. . (2016-05-09, ASP, 500KB, 下载3次)


[Ajax] AJAX-Chat-0.8.7-standalone

Ajax Chat是一种用java script、PHP和MySQL实现的开源Web聊天软件,在GNU Affero General Public License下发布。您可以使用自己的代码定制聊天的外观和感受以及它向服务器上的数据库发送消息的方式。
Ajax Chat is a use java script, PHP and MySQL implement open source Web chat software, released under the GNU Affero General Public License. You can use your own code to customize the look and feel of the chat and the way it sends to the on the server message. (2016-05-09, ASP, 518KB, 下载2次)


[Ajax] ajaxrssreader

采用目前流行的ajax 技术制作,用于asp平台上的单用户RSS阅读器,也是一个很好的ajax应用的学习例程 用户名/密码:admin/admin
It uses the popular ajax technology produced for a single user arm RSS reader on the platform, but also a good learning routines ajax application Username/password: admin/admin (2016-04-04, ASP, 163KB, 下载1次)


[Ajax] Ajax

AJAX allows a request to the Web server in an asynchronous manner. This way the client browser can continue to provide users with content and user interface without having to wait for a response from the server. (2012-05-25, ASP, 450KB, 下载2次)


[Ajax] chat_prog

This is a non-Ajax-based chat room set procedures, The system fully reflects the Ajax technology "by the need for data." The greatest extent alleviate the burden on the server, of course, the chat room without any encryption/decryption mechanism This is the perfect place to be. (2006-11-20, ASP, 91KB, 下载12次)
