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按分类查找All Linux/Unix编程(5) 
按平台查找All ASP(5) 

[Linux/Unix编程] foottrqnrdiagramcustom

A custom control to simulate the task manager CPU resource footprint diagram, first draft, (2019-04-08, ASP, 8KB, 下载0次)


[Linux/Unix编程] ISPConfig-

ISPConfig是Linux的一款开源的虚拟主机管理程序,带Web控制面板,可通过Web控制面板管理虚拟主机、开设网站、开设邮箱、开设和管理mysql数据库、支 持DNS解析和监控服务器运行状况等功能。支持中文。
ISPConfig is Linux, an open source virtual host management program with Web Control Panel, through the Web Control Panel to manage virtual hosts, setting up websites, open the mailbox, the creation and management of mysql , support for DNS resolution and monitor server health functions. Support Chinese. (2016-05-09, ASP, 2379KB, 下载2次)


[Linux/Unix编程] shearphoto-2.3-HTML5

ShearPhoto picture perfect shot perfect support program by Linux, Windows Server, and other foreign space, ShearPhoto compatible IE6/7/8 and all browsers, drag quasi super stretch, ultra-smooth, the same type of software on the Internet is absolutely ranked first, in addition to shearphoto, you have no choice! (2016-05-07, ASP, 961KB, 下载5次)


[Linux/Unix编程] 5kcrm_0.5.5

Wukong CRM is a customer relationship management system software which adapt Windows, linux and other operating system that supports Apache, Nginx, IIs variety of server software. Wukong CRM is committed to promoting the development of SMEs to make better and more useful software, the use of free open-source way to share technology and experience. (2016-05-06, ASP, 5479KB, 下载1次)


[Linux/Unix编程] wapeq

wapeq建站系统 开发语言:PHP5 操作系统:Windows 2000,Windows xp,linux,unix版本(有写入权限) 服务器: APPACHE 2.0或IIS5.1以上版本、ZendOptimizer3.0以上版本 数据库: MySQL5
建站system development wapeq language: PHP5 operating system: Windows 2000, Windows xp, linux, unix versions (with write access) server: APPACHE 2.0 or IIS5.1 above, ZendOptimizer3.0 database above: MySQL5 (2009-05-05, ASP, 3472KB, 下载3次)
