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[压缩解压] SiteWorkspro503

PclZip capable of compression and decompression Zip format archive (WinZip, PKZIP) and can be of such class files are processed, including generating a compressed file, list the contents of compressed files and decompress files and so on. Since it is possible on the server side compression and decompression operation, so very convenient to use. (2016-05-11, ASP, 267KB, 下载1次)


[压缩解压] GameLogin

My site does not support the release rar files, put a log in the Guizhan device, want to manage significantly through. Thank you! (2010-03-14, ASP, 1320KB, 下载22次)


[压缩解压] P2P

P2P(Peer-to-Peer 端到端)模型是与C/S(客户/服务器)模型相对应。基于C/S的用户间通信需要由服务器中转,在C/S中的服务器故障将导致整个网络通信的瘫痪。。而基于P2P的用户间通信则是直接通信,去掉了服务器这一层,带来的显著优点是通信时没有单一的失败点,一个用户的故障不会影响整个P2P网络。本文提供了一种用JAVA实现P2P网络通信的方法。
P2P (Peer-to-Peer end-to-end) model with the C/S (Client/Server) model corresponds to. Based on C/S communication needs of users from the server transit, in the C/S server failure will lead to the paralysis of the entire network communication. . P2P-based communication between users is a direct communication, to remove the server level, brought about a significant advantage is communication there is no single point of failure, a user s failure will not affect the entire P2P network. This paper provides a realization of P2P networks using JAVA communication method. (2008-11-17, ASP, 788KB, 下载35次)


[压缩解压] iwms4.6

主要功能: ·集成讨论区,可作为留言版或简易论坛 ·首页、 分类、新闻、专题可生成静态页面 ·生成速度可在每分钟30页到2000页之间选择 ·首页静态文件自动定时生成 ·新闻采集功能,采集时可进行其它管理操作,采集规则导入导出 ·多任务循环采集采集,可实现网站24小时自动内容更新 ·采集支持utf-8和big5编码并能转换繁体为简体 ·新闻内其它网站图片与Flash自动下载 · jpg、gif、png、bmp图片自动加水印(水印图片及位置可设置) ·wap访问方式,方便手机用户访问网站 ·可选择上传图片区域生成标题图片 ·自动上传本地图片和word图片(word图片需使用从word粘贴功能) ·可对网页与关键静态文件进行Gzip压缩,减少服务器流量并加快网页打开速度 ·提供工具转换网站为utf-8编码,以实现多语言显示 ·Digg功能,加强网友参与度 ·会员功能,会员注册经审核并激活账号后生效,会员可以推荐新闻 ·会员属于会员组,可设置指定会员组有权阅读新闻 ·可设置会员有效期 。。。。。 首次使用:(备注) 管理员账号admin,密码admin,请登陆后修改。
err (2008-10-29, ASP, 1599KB, 下载15次)


[压缩解压] otyy3

V3.112最新版 更新了首页JS调用不正常显示, 修复了相关安全漏洞 增加了首页版块的显示与隐藏 修复了后台登陆出错问题 增加了广告发布系统 增加网站后台参数配置功能 增加数据库备份与恢复功能,在线压缩数据库 优化了友情连接, 更换了后台编辑器 增加了友情链接排序功能 增加了评论管理
The latest version V3.112 updated Home JS call abnormal showed that repair of the relevant security vulnerabilities increased the Home section of the show and hide the background to repair the problem landing error increased advertising system to increase Web site targeting feature to increase the background parameters of the database backup and the restoration of function, on-line database optimized compression Link, the replacement of the background increased by Editor Links Sort features comments management (2008-06-20, ASP, 1099KB, 下载3次)


[压缩解压] press

在线脚本映射、ASP.net具体错误信息在线查看。先服务器上要确保安装rar软件,且对相应目录有可写权限 该程序利用递归显示文件目录,实现文件在线压缩和解压 。
Online mapping script, ASP.net online view specific error message. First server to ensure that the installation rar software, and the corresponding directory has write permission to the program shows the use of recursive file directory, file compression and decompression online. (2008-06-12, ASP, 17KB, 下载1次)
